Chapter 2 - All Alone

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⚠️!! This chapter WILL contain: Alcoholism, mentions of
suicide !!⚠️


Suddenly, just like that, days became shorter and nights became longer. I have lost count, but the amounts of nights spent awake were more than I'd like.

I was laying in my double sized bed, in the middle of what used to be a couple shared space - watching Devyn's youtube. I realized she had deleted every video of us together besides one - where she was exposing me of always having been a 'bad boyfriend'. But all the messages were faked, and thanks to her I was loosing subscribers.

She was making new youtube videos with her new boyfriend, which I couldn't bare to click on or I'd probably punch my Ipad so bad it broke in half. Eventually I groaned, sat up, put the Ipad aside and walked downstairs. Rubbing my eyes tiredly.

The first thing I looked for was something to eat, but when I realized I still have some vodka from some weeks ago, I started spiralling down a very - very dark road.

One glass turned into a whole bottle, and the next way - a whole bottle lead to three.. And this awful habit went on for weeks until-


The weeks became the worst days of my life.


We knew it. The second I over heard Sam on the phone talking to Corey's neighbour, we knew something wasn't completely right. I had my suspicions that Devyn was cheating on Corey, but I didn't want to break it to him because it should come naturally.

"He's scaring you? Wait, what is he doing?"

But what Sam found out by talking to his neighbour about Corey was something we'd never think Corey would do. Sam turns to look at me - and his complexion was paler than usual. His mouth slightly agape and I could see tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"He's drinking? How much?"

My eyes widened and I hurriedly grabbed our car keys. Sam's voice started pacing up before his eyes widens.

"Don't worry, we'll go over there and see if we can get Corey out" Sam assured. After that he hung up with the neighbours and I stared at him, wanting to hear everything he had just heard.

"Corey has gone into his alcoholistic tendencies again, apparently he's buying stacks and stacks of alcohol everyday.." Sam whimpered. My eyes widened.

"Why were they scared of him?"
"He can see Corey through the window he called from and he was holding a gun" Sam whimpered. Immediately, I grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him out towards the cars. Not giving a shit about outside clothes and got into the car with him.

I remember when Corey got into alcohol. He wasn't with Devyn then, he wasn't with anyone - which triggered him to drink even more. Due to how lonely he felt. So now - if mine and Sam's assumptions are correct - Corey's started drinking because of Devyn leaving him. So I drove past the speed limit, needing to get to Corey's house before everything was too late. Sam even called 911 incase things got drastically out of hand.

Once we arrived at Corey's house, the neighbour that had dialed Sam was standing outside, sobbing in worry. Apparently him and Corey was good friends. I parked the car and rushed out. Sam ran up to the dude and held his hand out.

"Hey, I'm Sam"
"A-Aaron, please get him out of there" Aaron sobbed. I was good with patients like these because I was working on a place where people are trying to recover from long term drug usage and alcoholism. I quickly introduced myself to Aaron too before I asked if anything special has happened to Corey.

"H-he and Devyn recently broke up" he sniffles. I nod. Just like me and Sam anticipated.

I ran up to the door, and knocked on it. Trying to pull Corey's attention away from whatever he was trying to do on the other side of the closed door.

"Hey Corey! It's me, Colby!" I called out.


I perked as I heard a familiar voice, but the alcohol I had consumed were making me feel dizzy. Suddenly Colby's voice started morphing into Devyn's and I smirk angrily, shaking my head. In my left hand I held a pistol, and in my right hand I held a glass of whiskey.

"Get away Devyn!" I slurred loudly. Not wanting to ever see Devyn again as I downed my 10th glass of whiskey today. Clutching my gun in my other hand and slowly but surely raised it and pointed it towards my own head.

"Corey!! Please! It's me, Colby, Devyn is long gone!" I suddenly heard. I pause my movement and lowered my hand slightly again, frowning. Was I going to believe that it was Colby? Was I even alive? I couldn't tell thanks to the huge amounts of alcohol in my veins.

"Just unlock the door and I promise you everything will be okay again!" he shouted again.

I immediately scoffed.
"Oh yeah?! Why haven't you guys tried to save me earlier then?!" I cried out. Growling slightly as I poured myself my 11th glass.

"We didn't know you were in this situation! You never told us!" Colby yelled. I frown again before I huff and tried to walk up to the door, but I collapsed against the floor and accidentally fired a gunshot into the wall. This obviously stressed Colby and Sam out to the max as Colby started to hysterically bang on the door.

"COREY!!" He yelled ontop of his lungs.

"C-Calm down.. I'm okay!" I yelled back irritatedly.

", the door" Colby says, very serious on the other side of the door. I scoff.

"You can't help me!" I cried out.
"Yes I can!! Please just open this door and we'll figure everything out together!"

It sounded enticing, but I couldn't. I just couldn't.

"It hurts too much Colby!" I sobbed.

"I understand how you feel Corey, I've been addicted to drugs before! Just please open this door, I am your friend - not a foe!" Colby cried.

What am I even doing?
I'm already digging myself my grave so why don't I finish it?

That's when everything went black, and in the background I could now hear both Colby and Sam - plus the sound of sirens in the background - screaming:


But I couldn't.
Because the alcohol had gotten too much..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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