The Repeated Love 80 - The Gift to Create an Eternal Peace

Start from the beginning

"Don't even think to save that trash. Let him die."

"Don't call him that!!" You give a last glance to Tsuna and Byakuran.




You shut your eyes and hold onto Xanxus tight from the major explosion followed by an earthquake from Tsuna's attack. You opened it slowly, and it widened in instant to Byakuran's body that was engulfed completely by Tsuna's flame.

Seeing Byakuran's defeated state, you reminisce during the time you met with him.

"Why? Why did you do this?"

"For a better world peace. Don't you agree with me, Riekka? Aren't human a very hypocrite beings that always crept a smile on their face with a bleeding hands?"

"You know that not all of them are like that, Byakuran."

"Ah, there you go again. I've been waiting for something absurd like my Mare ring to appear in front of me. It feels so wrong that I was living the life of a normal human being. And.. I feel really lucky to meet a maiden that was sent directly from above for me, which is now." He grinned as you look at him with full of sadness in your orbs.

"Hahaha. Those eyes are telling me you don't agree."

"..You gave up in yourself, Byakuran. You have given up your heart to trust, and you close it before your eyes could see more."

"...."  You narrowed your eyes as Byakuran turned his to look into yours. You can read from his smile, saying

'Ah, it's really blinding. I've lost to you, Riekka.'




"We won!!!"

"Juudaime!!" Gokudera ran towards Tsuna, followed by the other guardians and his friends.

Reborn smirked as he lift up his fedora. "You did well, Tsuna."

"Y-Yeah.. ugh.." He stumbled as his flame dimmed out. "But.. Uni and Gamma is.."



Tsuna grind his teeth to Nozaru and Tazaru. "It's not just Gamma and Uni.. this battle has hurt so many people.."


Tsuna gasped when Levi kicked the injured Kikyo.

"W-what are you doing?? We don't need more damage-"

"Shi, shi, shi. Your boss went and kicked the bucket."

"If you have any particular method you want to die, we're all ears."

You sweat dropped to Fran. 'They are at it now..=_='''

"Wait, guys, he's a normal people too."


"Guh.. Shouichi.. Irie..!" Kikyo glared.

"At the time when Millefiore was gathering up strong forces, I was there to check on country's mafia, military, and assassin, but I never saw them. Which means that, they were normal people that aren't listed in the register."

Kikyo smirked to Shouichi's words. "Normal people.. that's certainly a cheap way to put it.."

"Tch." You blinked as Xanxus put you down, pulling out his gun and place it beside Kikyo's head.

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now