Chapter 6

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*Alicia's POV*

I woke up with my head on something warm. I peek to see my head on Angello's chest. He's buff, but still a warm teddy bear right now.

Last night it was fun. I actually got to know Angello more, he's sounds like a great guy.

I yawn softly and look up to see him still asleep. I cuddle with him more as I feel his arms tighten around me. I blush lightly and smile. I fall back to sleep.

I wake up later to hear the TV on and Angello's grip tighter on me. I cuddle with him and look up at him.

"Hey," Angello whispers as he looks down at me.

"Hey," I whisper also and smile.

He returns the smile and we watch TV in silence. It feels nice just the two of us. After an hour Angello breaks the silence between up.

"So, baby girl, tell me what else you like to do. We fell asleep on each other last night remember," Angello says.

"Oh we did," I say as I act indecent.

Angello and I both laugh.

"Mhmm don't play indecent missy," Angello says and I laugh.

I playfully hit him and say, "Ok your turn then."

"Ok, favorite flower," Angello ask.

"Roses. Red and white roses mostly," I say with a smile. "Scariest movie," I ask.

"I like roses too, but mostly cherry blossoms. Scariest movie would be the Saw Series," Angello says.

"Oh my gosh! Really? I hate those, I was so scared. This one time me, Maxi, and Destiny we decided to watch them. I was so scared. We watched only 1-3 at night and scared half to death. I couldn't sleep, when I did, I would cry as I sleep. I was so scared then I couldn't go back to sleep. I called for Maxi, but she kept sleeping, then I called for Destiny. She woke up and put the karate kid in. I watched it. Destiny couldn't sleep until I fell asleep first. Then in the morning we watched 4 and 5. The pig face person was the thing that scared the shit out of me the most. We slept with all the lights on and used the buddy system." I explain and Angello starts to laugh his ass off.

"I feel ya, but I was ok at the end. We all almost sit our pants. Me, Cole, and Jordan," Angello says.

"Ok, ok, your turn," I say and smile.

"What was the most freaky thing you did. Or anything that falls in that category," Angello ask.

"Twerk, gave someone a lap dance, red nosed, and turned a guy with the things I listened. I think I almost stripped once when Destiny and Maxi mad me drink." I explain and think for a minute.

"Wait, wait, wait. You never had sex but your a freak in dancing. I could've sworn you were gonna say have sex or at least make out with someone." Angello says shocked.

"Nope. Still a virgin and never had first kiss. I've only done those things, because of a dare and because I was drunk. I don't show much skin unless summer. I know how to dress and act, boy. I've never had a relationship. I'm a tomboy and I'm pretty sure, no one would like to go out with me. Plus, I'm not a hoe or a hooker, thank ya very much." I say and cross my arms.

"Dude you have a sexy ass body and you look like you can be a freak. I'm not saying your a hoe or a hooker, calm down," Angello says and I glare at him.

"I'm not a freak. Maybe when I'm drunk, but I'm not..." I say as I punch his arm.

I get up and walk to the bathroom. I slam the door and mumble, 'jerk.'  I'm not a freak, that was only a one time thing. Sounds like he just wants sex out of me.

*Angello's POV*

I sigh heavily. Danm it Alicia I didn't mean it like that. So serious, I sound desperate and that I just want sex from her. Yeah I would like to have sex on this vacation, yes maybe from a virgin because their tighter, and feels good around me.

I can also be her first boyfriend. Make her feel good in all the right places, keep her to myself. No sharing, not being a player like I am... Have her to myself.

Ok, ok, but anyways I need to go make it up to her. I sigh and get up. I go to the lobby and get a red rose for her after I got us some brunch. I put it on the nightstand for her and wait for her to finish her shower. As she showers I eat my own food.

After 20mins Alicia comes out dressed. She's dressed in gray tights that have white writing, white tang top, and a black shoulder cover while her hair still wet. She looks amazing. I watch her see the rose and food. I smile at her.

"I'm sorry," I tell her and hug her.

I fee Alicia hug back and I smile.

"It's ok. I forgive you," I hear Alicia whisper.

I rub her lower back and smile. I pull away so she can eat and so I can shower.

*Alicia's POV*

I start to eat and hear Angello shower. I smile to myself. He's sweet when he wants to be forgiven.

I finish eating and I sit on the balcony railing. I swing my legs and look at the water and beach. It's pretty out, I wonder what me and Angello are gonna a do today. It's past noon, almost getting late. We slept in for a while, I can see. Haha we did stay up late.

I feel a pair of arms captured my waist. I start to blush and look back at Angello. I smile at him and see he's in a white t-shirt, black shorts, and a snapback. I lay back on him and he takes me off the railing.

"Wanna go look around for somethings then go to the board walk?" Angello ask.

I nod and smile. "Yeah,"  I say.


Angello and I went to put our things away that we bought at the store. It was little things, not a lot, but nice things. I bought him a chain that has the initial A. Both starts with our name some I don't mind.

We go to the board walk once dark comes across the horizon. We hold each other's hand as we walk. I actually feel like a couple with him. I love spending time with him. It's like he gets me. I love it, I love him... Am I falling for him to quick, I mean like we just starting hanging out on this trip. But I feel like we can actually be something, I really do love him.

*Angello's POV*

Alicia and I walk along the board walk. Gosh she pretty, danm I falling for her too quick. Oh well she seems worth it.

Alicia's in this pretty outfit. Danm, she so fine

I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer to me. I see a blush appear on her cheeks and I smile.

We stop to get ice cream and I pay for us. We eat and keep walking around. As we walked we bumped into our friends.

"Oh shit, hey," Cole says and we clap up.

"Sup man," I say.

"Yo, yall should come to the bomb fire with us. It's at the beach," Cole says.

"Yeah, it's gonna be awesome man," Jordan says.

Alicia and I nod. We then follow them to the beach, as I keep Alicia closely to me. I glance down at her a couple times and smile to myself.

*Author's Note: there's a picture of how Alicia and Angello are dressed for the bomb fire and for the day! Please vote and keep reading! Shout out to Cannonpie21 and IDanceForLife, Thank you for yall votes!!!! Appreciate it so much!!*

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