Chapter 1: Prologue

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Long ago, a time when I was last truly happy. How do you think I felt when you left? You left me broken and crying on the floor. I wanted to follow, but I was so weak and slow. Not yet the beautiful immortal I had longed to be - although that is a life closed to me now.

Months of numbness followed, not really seeing, tasting, feeling, hearing and smelling. I was just watching the world go by without me. Trying not to think, just hoping to stay away from memories, not to think about my life before so as to keep the pain away. Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget.

But then my mind broke free. A little familiarity broke my careful bonds. My numbness gone, dreading the pain that would surely come. Still screaming nightmares of the time I lost it all.

And I heard the voice. The one voice I refused to think of, yet it didn't hurt. It rang in my ears as though he were right next to me, right there. Furious, but perfect. I would do anything to hear that voice again.

That's when I went to see Dameon. He helped me though my bleakest times, gave me a reason to exist. Being together was as easy as breathing; natural. It felt like we belonged together.

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