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Anthony pov

I've been binge watching the series f•r•i•e•n•d•s all day and I'm bored. The only entertainment I had today was earlier this morning when I woke up to see Jaden had commented on my recent video on tik tok.

Recap of earlier

I had just woke up and decided to check how my recent post had done on tik tok, once I opened the app I got a message from Jaden saying that I was cute when I smile.

I quickly responded with saying he was cuter. Of course we had a whole conversation which led to me asking for his number. He gave me his number and knowing me I called him as soon as his number was saved in my phone.

"Hey there bub." I say smirking into the camera. He blushed and giggled "omg why does everyone feel the need to call be bub or bubba?" He asked.

I frown not liking the idea of giving him a nickname that has already been given him. "Aw well I'm going to call you....hmm you know what I'll get back to you on that soon I just got to take my time thinking about it." I say chuckling.

Soon he ended the call saying he had stuff to do today which of course I was kind of upset about because I really enjoyed talking to him.

And now I'm laying here watching friends with no interest in the show what so ever.

I sigh heavily before calling my good old friend I met on tik tok Noen Eubanks.

After a few rings he picked up. "What do you want Anfony?" He asked. He seemed annoyed which of course I found amusing.

"What's got you in a tight bunch today noey?" I asked teasing him with such a ridiculous name.

"Oh shut up Anthony. Anyway chase is what's bothering me. I'm tired if him playing with my emotions. One day he says things that lead me to believe he may actually like me but the next day it's back to playing games." He explained to me while pacing back in forth in his kitchen.

"Well Noen you have to understand he has never dated a boy before. Take me for example I'll be completely honest with you I've never dated a guy before only girls and I'm not opposed to dating boys but dating one or talking to one will be different. Now Im nit saying that what he's doing is okay but just give him time and maybe he'll realize what he's missing." I tell him.

I was kind of satisfied with my answer I felt like I could be a couple therapist for a second there.

"Yeah your right, oh hey have you seen the email Trent sent us about the Lights our tour phase two?" He asked. I shook my head, "No I never received an email from anyone yet me go check." I say.

Hey Anthony I'm here to let you know about the Lights out Tour phase two. There will be a new member but we cannot release that information of who it is yet until we are able to reach him but when we do we'll send a list of everyone who'll be attending the tour. Thank you for your time have a nice weekend and get ready to get back on the road.

- Trent & Management inc.

"Oh I see it. I wonder who it May be.?" I sit up and walk to my closet leaving my phone on the bed.

Since I was bored I'm going over to see Charlie and aggravate her for awhile.

"I'm excited to go on tour again I know for sure that there will be more girls this time. I'm glad Cynthia decided she wasn't coming anymore. I could not stand seeing her and chase together." He rants on and on about last summer tour and how he had to sit next to Cynthia and hear her talk about herself for hours straight. I laugh at how stressed he sounds.

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