We still had enough time to watch one more movie so we both sat on the couch, Niall and I on the right side and Lana and Harry on the left. We chose Texas chainsaw massacre cause Lana had never watched it before, me and Niall laughed silently the whole movie every time she would jump. I was curled up comfortably next to Niall snuggled under a blanket and half asleep when my phone rang. I didn't want to answer it, but I knew if it was my mom then I would be in deep shit if I didn't, I reluctantly leaned over to reach it on the coffee table and who was it. None other then my snobby step sister Lisa, I answered it. 

Me: "What?"

Lisa:"Um where are you?" 

Me:"Why does it matter to you, what do you want?"

Lisa:"I need a favor" he voice sounded hesitant, and I rolled my eyes

Me:"Why the hell would I do you a favor" I said acting just as snotty as she would

Lisa:"Look I just need you to tell my dad I'm staying at Sammy's house tonight" 

Me:"Are you really going to Sammy's house?"

Lisa:"No Matt asked me to stay the night"

Me:"Nope. I'm not lying to anyone and getting in trouble for you, you wanna go to Matt's house set up your own fucking lie" and then I hung up before she could answer.

How fucking dare her, asking me to lie for her so she could go fuck her boyfriend, no way in hell. She was on her own with that one, but I was kinda glad she called cause when I looked down at my phone I realized it was 10:30pm "Crap" I said jumping off the couch "We have to go" I said quickly. 

"What why?" Niall asked sounding a little disappointed but when he looked down at his phone he jumped up and ran into his room I'm guessing to get shoes.

"What time you have to be home Lana, cause its 10:30" I asked her as I searched in the dark for my shoes. I heard her whisper crap and then jump up in search of her own shoes. 

We didn't have time for a taxi this time, Niall and Harry had to drive us home. Well Niall drove cause he knew where we were going Harry sat in the back seat with Lana and I sat in the front with him. He held my hand loosely as he rested it on my thigh, I looked into the mirror and saw Lana's head rested on Harry's shoulder while they talked softly. I was so happy she was my best friend and I was so glad that we were sharing this experience together. I reached back with my free hand and offered my pinky Lana smiled and wrapped hers around mine. Forever we silently promised each other.

Lucky for us the traffic was not bad at all and the boys dropped us off at 10:55, Niall of course being the amazing guy he was had to walk in and apologize for almost being late. We sorta explained the nights events and my mom was extremely forgiving, and so was Alanah's when she called and asked her to come pick her up from my place. All four of us waited outside till Lana's mom came to get her. Niall had his arms loosely wrapped around my waist while I held his tee shirt in my hands pulling him down every few minutes to kiss him. "When are we going to be able to hang out like this again?" I asked pulling him down to kiss my lips once more.

He smiled down at me "Well I had a little bit of secret for you" He said leaning down to kiss my lips before I could pull him. I smiled as he pulled something out of his back pocket. He looked down at the things in his hand and then said "I was going to surprise you with them after the movie, but with everything else that happened I completely forgot until I saw them on my desk when I went to get my shoes" He handed it to me, it was an envelope. I opened it and inside were two front row tickets to the One Direction concert this weekend and two back stage VIP passes. I looked up at him with a huge grin on my face and leaned up to kiss him once more, this time the kiss lasted longer then a few seconds. 

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