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No one POV

Deku was in Bakugo's room with him when,Bakugo grabbed his shoulder and said "Deku,I think I saw someone outside,can you come with me to check it out?"..."oh,um,yeah sure"...they went outside and saw the strangest thing.nothing. There was nothing,until Deku decided to say something." There's no-" that's when something
Stabbed him.Bakugo had his back turned ""...Bakugo turned to see the love of his life laying on the floor,blood covering him..."Deku? Deku! Wake up! Shit! Round face!"
"What's wro- (Gasp) Guys! Get ready! We're going to the hospital!"....Bakugo saw someone jumping over a fence..."that fucker..round face,make sure everyone looks normal,I'll meet you at the hospital!"...he ran after the murderer...Soon he was in front of the stranger,in an alley way." Who the fuck are you?! Why'd you stab Deku?!"..."hm,Katsuki Bakugo, my name is Tomura Shigaraki, you seem interesting,but I'll have to leave,good bye...for now.."  Shigaraki jumped on to the building.And Bakugo was just speechless.Fuck,I can't deal with this right now,I need to go to Deku
And so he did,he made sure to hide his ears and walked into the hospital..."Hello,sir, who are you here for?"..."De- Izuku Midoriya"..."ok, Room 291".."Thank you!"...he dashed to Deku's room as soon

My little human|BakudekuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz