"FUCKING HELL!" I yell and run Newt's way.

Alby jumping down next to Newt and I reaching them.

"NEWT?!" I yell and grab his shoulders.

•••Newt POV•••

He grabbed my shoulder and shook my body fiercely.

I groan in pain. My back aching.

I groan in pain again and Minho stops, settling my head on his thigh and examining me, together with Alby.

"He looks okay." I hear a voice say. Probably Alby.

My head was pounding. "He isn't!" Minho said and stroke my cheek. "Its gonna be allright, Newt." It was Minho again.

I hear people talking.



I close my eyes. Its too much. It hurts.

I want to yell. I want to yell that it hurts.

Minho was right. I shouldn't have done this.

I am so fucked now.

"Stay away from him!" Minho said, Somebody is trying to pull me of Minho.

I groan in frustration, and clung unto Minho. With my free arm.

"Okay then." I hear a voice say and it was a old voice. The teacher maybe.

"Call the ambulance." Alby ordered and Minho wraps his arms around me.


His arm hits the most painful place on my back.

I groan again. "Not there, Min." I whisper. Only he could hear me.

"Give him some space!" The teacher yelled.

The other voices seemed to walk away, or step away. It was still a mess of sounds for me.

"Newt. Keep breathing, kay?" Minho asks me right in my ear.

"I am breathing." I say stubbornly. "I know, but you are breathing so slowly. Like you will pass out. Stay with me." I try to nod, but he will not notice, my head hurts too much to move.

"Yes." I try to open my eyes, but they are so heavy for a moment.

It could be worse I suppose.

"I fell on my back. You don't need to call the ambulance. Its just that my head hurts and my back." Minho snorts.

"Thats why you can't open your eyes." Minho said sarcastically.

"I'm okay. Don't call the bloody ambulance. I hate it there." I ask, but it didn't effect.

"Please, Minho. Please." I beg him and then I could feel him nodding.

•••Minho POV•••

"Alby, don't call the ambulance." I order and he nods.

Newt sighed and smiled softly. "Now I feel a lot better."

I snort after he said that. "I am so not done with you." He sighed and groaned in one noise I never heard before.

"You are staying in my house in bed all weekend. AND you are not walking or moving. Got that?" I ask and he groaned again.

"say YES or I call the ambulance." I hiss and he quickly said, "yes, Minho. And thank you..." I kiss his cheek.

"Good that."

With that the teacher told us to go home.

"WAIT." Newt said, trying to open his eyes. It worked a little bit.

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