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Theres new growth on my hedera helix (english ivy) which is pretty cute tbh. one tiny leaf sprouted and i can see a few more coming through. Theres some white stuff happening as well, not really sure what it is im pretty sure thats a damn rat scratching but the white stuff might just also be just growth, i hope. Normal growth. Not fungi or anything like that i hope. I wanted to take a picture of it and post to the gardening subreddit for reassurance but my phone camera quality isnt good enough. We'll see tho, but yeah it started growing faster than i thought. I dont even think its been a week. I think theres root growth near the bottom, but strangely its not coming *out* of the bottom but like, from the sides. i hope thats normal, but evwn if its not, i still love you. I have to think of a name for them soon. oh yeah, two of them died. I researched and found you cant really propogate pilea pepperomides from a single leaf, but even so i wanted to see if it would grow roots as the youtuber said it would. my first one died almost right away, the second was dying and i didnt want to prolong its misery. the kalanchoe didnt want to propogate in water. o well. Ill stick to my hedera helix for now, pour all my love into them then gather up the actual knowledge and see if i can try a different variety. i love my mum but i dont miss her. i miss my bed though. i need to sleep i have an exam tmrw. but i cant because of these fucking cockraches and fucking possible rats.

I may go shopping for stationary today. i may also head to the library, complete some essay plans for revision. i think ill go back to mums to sleep. i needed this