Maybe We Are Just Meant To Be

Start from the beginning

*-* Home *-*

"How was your day baby?" Aiko's mom asked giving him a big hug. "Certianly didn't go as planned" Aiko said, throwing his bag down onto the floor. "Why dear? What happened?" Aiko paused "let's just say she doesn't like me mom." Aiko's mom paused, she was speechless. "oh honey... Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. You will find someone, someone who makes your heart melt and you just wanna-" Aiko cut her off. "Mom. Stop." Aiko said going up the steps and into his room quickly, he really had wished he didn't run into his mom. Aiko started with some homework but when he finished he had nothing else to distract himself of the miseries that had happened today. "Brother can we play dolls?" His little sister asked, opening his door un-invited. Well, his sister is 12, she was born a boy, making her trans. Luckily their mother was very supportive. "Sorry, I'm kind of busy right now... Maybe later?" Aiko said facing her. "Yeah... Mom told me about your rejection." Aiko paused and chuckled "just make fun of me already.' Aiko had to admit , his sister always had a way of making him laugh when we was feeling down. "No. How could I make fun of my ugly, stupid brother" she laughed too and as they laughed together, Aiko wished he could find a friend like his sister. "Saji." Said their mother as she walked into the room. "time for you to go over to your friends house for the sleepover, she's here." Saji jumped up and down excitedly and hugged Aiko and went into her room, and her mom walked her outside. As much of a butthead Saji could be, Aiko loved her no matter what, he always felt obligated to keep her safe. When Saji left, Aiko's mom walked back into his room and sat down "You will be okay Aiko, I know it may not seem like it now, but everything will be okay. I promise. " His mom stood up, giving him a kiss on his cheek and left, closing the door, for the first time ever. Aiko leaned back in his desk chair and thought about it. If Asuna can't realize which one of us has been there longer then maybe... Maybe I should try to find another friend... After dinner Aiko got ready for bed and when he laid down he started thinking about who could be his bestest friend, besides Otordoko. But his thoughts had failed him. He couldn't run away from his problems, he had to fix them and that's exactly what he was going to do. So the next morning his mom took him to school as usual, and Asuna was outside... Alone?! Aiko ran up to her and took her hands "Asuna." Aiko said, Asuna looked at him shocked "A-Aiko?" She replied. "I like you, I have since last year and I want to know if you'd like to be my girl-" before he could respond, laughs came from behind him, he turned around, Atsushi, and some other people were behind him... "I-i..." Aiko was speechless. "A-Aiko I'm sorry..." Asuna whispered. "I... I uhm..."  Aiko could barley speak "listen shorty. Uh news flash, she doesn't like you."  Atsushi laughed. "That's not very nice Atsushi..." Asuna said, maybe she did like Aiko. "But it's the truth, isn't it?" Atsushi said, looking at both Aiko and Asuna. "Well..." Asuna said looking at me. "I told you Aiko. Bye bye." Aiko looked at her, hoping she would say something and when she didn't. He just walked away. And that's when he got the news, his phone kept buzzing and he thought it was Atsushi and his dumb*** friends. But it wasn't, when he pulled out his phone, he dropped it and fell to his knees, Asuna and Otordoko (plus Ocho) were running down the hall, perhaps looking for Aiko. "Aiko! Aiko ...?" Asuna said, the walked closer, tears flooding out of my eyes. "W-whats wrong?" Otordoko asked. Asuna picked up my phone saw it and gasped, she showed Otordoko but not Ocho.


West Brooke Elementary suffered a severe shooting attack, 12 injured and 3 dead. The 3 killed, Tasha J. , Jacob C. And Saji S.

"Aiko..." Asuna said wrapping her arms around him. "I'm so sorry Aiko." He couldn't respond. His own sister. His OWN sister. Why me. Why me. Why- Aiko couldn't focus anymore and he fell back, fainting. He woke up in the nurse's office. "Was it all a nightmare?" Aiko asked. "Sadly no Aiko, but your mom is on her way to take you home" Asuna was holding Aiko's hand. "She's really gone .." Aiko was back in tears just as his mom burst through "Aiko..." She gave him a hug and they both cried, except his mom held it back more then he did. "T-thank you Asuna... Visit whenever." She grabbed Aiko and left quickly, when they got into the car Aiko was silent. "It'll be okay Aiko. I promise." Obviously she was trying to lighten the mood but it wasn't working. "How could you say that... She's gone, she's really gone." Aiko said, they didn't speak the rest of the car ride. When they got home, Aiko's mom went to the living room, Aiko followed so he could put his bag down, pictures, art projects etc; of Saji. Aiko threw his bag down and ran up to her old room, locking the door, he sat in her bed and cried, then he heard a knock at the window, he jumped down and opened it, it was Asuna. He let her in. "Y-yeah...?" Aiko spoke sofly. "H-how are you Aiko?" She stood there, seemed to be genuinely upset. "Everything but good." Aiko opened the window fully, motioned her inside and sat back ins Saji's bed, placing her blanket on top of him. Asuna went in and sat beside him, she held onto his hand "I'm so sorry Aiko. I truly am. This is terrible. And just know I am with you through everything. I promise." Asuna looked at Aiko in the eye. "You've been all caught up in Atsushi for the past week. Since when am I important?" Aiko looked away from her. She pulled his gaze back to her. "Aiko you are all wrong... I was only trying to make him feel welcome." Aiko paused thinking of what to say. "I know... You always see the good in people... But him.. maybe too much..." Asuna held Aiko's face towards hers and they gazed at each other for a minute, Aiko wasn't sure what to do. Asuna finally leaned in and kisses him lightly. All hope returned to Aiko. He had never been more happy, and, relieved in his life. This had been the moment. The moment he had been waiting for. Maybe they were just meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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