whats the dare?

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jian yi - hahahaha the readhead is in trouble!

Me - you are next.

jian yi - ...

Zhan xi - whats the truth/dare?

Me - since no one commented i am deciding myself

mo - oh boy....

He tian - (excited) whats the task? and whats your name?

Me - aww thanks for asking my name is Zelda , and for the task it is a surprise for he tian so you have to go out of the room for a minute.

He tian - aww ok.. (leaves the room)

Me - (looks at mo) your dare little mo is to kiss he tian in public and scream i love you!<3

Mo - wh what!! but...

Me - no buts (shouts) HE TIAN YOU CAN COME IN NOW!!!!

He Tian - ok (comes in) whats the dare? 

Me - well.... the dare is for you and Mo to go on a date to the this new fancy restaurant which serves the cutest desserts ever i want you guys to go there  and eat desserts, everything is already paid so no need to worry. Hope you you guys have fun (winks at mo) 

Mo - i dont want to go...

He Tian - why mo shy?

Mo - no I AM NOT SH SHSH Y (stutters) lets go chicken dick!!!

He Tian - your wish is my command princess (kisses mos hand)

Mo- ( blushes ) ./////.

(Me Jian Yi and Zhan Xi squealing) 



Zhan Xi - yea it is very cute!!

Jian - xi xi you used exclamation marks that means that this is supperrr cuteee..

Me - i knowwwwwwwwwww

Zhan xi - guys they already left..

Me - oh um so then thank you guys for reading the second chapter please comment truth or dare.

everyone - BYEE!

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