Rain pattered on my jacket as I walked. It was a fancy, black leather jacket I had bought while walking around the dreaded city. Along my way I had also bought a plain white t-shirt and some jeans, as well as some regular brown boots, but those weren't as important to me.

Back to my point. It seemed like nothing was going right today, and I just couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. No matter where I was, or who I was with, it followed, and it was starting to creep me the fuck out. 

I couldn't see any solution. Every once and the while the name Alrekr popped in my head, but I was near certain he was dead. I had watched him fall in battle. But if he was alive, could this be his doing?

Impossible. But yet, I felt something in my gut that told me I was right. It couldn't have been that easy to wipe them out. It shouldn't have. I turned to face at the sky, when suddenly I had an idea. It was a crazy idea, but definitely an idea.

Since everyone was a mindless zombie anyway, I don't think it mattered too much what they saw or heard. "THOR! LOKI!" I shouted at the sky, feeling a few heads slowly turn my way. I didn't care, because I got too delighted when I saw the flash of lightning across the sky.

I stepped back as a tall man dropped to the ground in front of me, hammer gripped in his hand tightly. His landing had created a crevasse in the cement, and I was curious as to how he did that without breaking something.

Another man, just about the same height, materialized beside him- wearing the stupidest helmet I had ever seen. I bought laughter as I pulled them into hugs, and they clapped me on the back. "It is good to see you again, Astridr, but I sense there is something troubling you." Thor spoke, voice booming.

I nodded. "Yes Thor, there is. You want to know what that might be? It seems like everyone has turned into completely mindless creatures, controlled by some other force. Everyone I talk to has strange yellow eyes, Fury is cracking jokes and making small-talk, and Tony isn't being sarcastic or narcissistic."

Loki nodded, helmet bobbing. "That sounds troubling. What do you need us to do?" he questioned me, looking over my shoulder and narrowing his gaze at something behind me. "You've got a shadow." he mouthed.

I glanced back, not seeing anyone. Loki cursed and something told me the person who was following me had ducked behind a building. I shrugged, it wasn't exactly our biggest problem at the moment.

"I know who's behind this. It's Alrekr, the one who plotted the Chitauri attacks, but I don't exactly know what he's behind." I informed them, telling nothing than the truth. I had no idea what the plan was, or what exactly was happening.

The two Asgardians nodded. "Well, how do we help?" he asked once again, and I paused to think about it. To be frank, I had no plan, I just needed someone else to be here to halve the burden with me.

Then Thor tackled me to the ground, interrupting my train of thought. I didn't come right out and question him as we landed on the concrete with a harsh thud, but I raised an eyebrow and he turned to point at an arrow in a nearby building, right at my head level. 

"I don't have a plan," I admitted from the ground, and Loki extended a hand to us. I took it and he helped me up, even though I had no need of it, and dusted off my brand new jeans. Thor grabbed Mjolnir up from the ground and stood beside me.

"Alright, Astridr. Let's find a safe place to talk, and then we can formulate a plan. I've already got a few ideas." Loki informed both of us, and began walking. Thor looked at me questioningly and I shrugged, and we both jogged after the Frost Giant.

What were we getting into? Who knows. With all this damn space shit, we could be dealing with unicorns or something just as unrealistic. I assumed we'd just have to see what Loki had in mind, and survive until we could put the said plan into action.


A / N: OK, so I didn't wait for your replies. Sue me. I decided I REALLY wanted to write another chapter, and this is what my sub-conscious had in mind. So what do you think?

Is Alrekr behind this all?

-Yes (He's ALWAYS guilty.)

-No (Maybe it's some other asshole's fault.)


Should she and Bruce still end up together?

-Yes (They are such an adorable couple.)

-No (She'd be better off single or with ___________.)

Thank you guys for all of the reads and votes! I never thought anyone would actually care about my writing! 

I hope you liked this chapter! ~Wolfsbane

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