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PRIDE @pride
Pride's annual charity gala will be this weekend. Every year Pride choses a person or group of people to be the guest(s) of honor. This year, the heads of Pride would like to announce that this year's guests of honor are their children. (link)

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266,036 likes | 2,161 comments

Pride Pride's annual charity gala will be this weekend. Every year Pride choses a person or group of people to be the guest(s) of honor. This year, the heads of Pride would like to announce that this year's guests of honor are their children. As pictured above, from left to right, are Gertrude Yorkes (daughter of Stacey and Dale Yorkes), Chase Stein (son of Janet and Victor Stein), Nico Minoru (daughter of Tina and Robert Minoru), Alex Wilder (son of Catherine and Geoffrey Wilder), Karolina Dean (daughter of Leslie and Frank Dean), and Molly Hernandez (daughter of Alice and Gene Hernandez and adopted daughter of Stacey and Dale Yorkes). Amy Minoru (daughter of Tina and Robert Minoru), who is not pictured, will sadly not be able to attend due to her studies at Princeton University.

amyminor sending all my love from NJ!
     nicxminxru @amyminoru you lucky gal.

tandy @gert.yorkes YOUR HAIR
     gert.yorkes @tandy don't worry babe it's a wig. Thought I'd change it up a bit.
     tandy @gert.yorkes no it looks so good!!!
     gert.yorkes @tandy thank you😭


the stupid geniuses:
lesbian jesus
minoru #1
minoru #2
jock strap


Amy, you're not coming home for the gala?

minoru #1
Sorry Molly I can't
I'm really busy with school work

I mean not that they're for a good cause I just hate going to those things.

lesbian jesus
I was hoping to see you!

minoru #1
I won't be able to go home for a while
School's keeping me really busy

That sucks

minoru #2
You HAVE to come back soon tho
Or we could go visit.

minoru #1
Please come visit😭

We have a 3 day weekend coming up soon
We could all go to NJ

minoru #1
Sounds like a plan

Hey Tandy...
Wanna come as my date?
We could fly you out!

You know... sometimes I forget how rich you guys are

jock strap
What can we say we're humble :)

1) the most humble of y'all are the Yorkes
2) I feel offended that I wasn't invited too

Ty, wanna come?

I have a lot on my plate
Sorry Molls

Sorry I wish I could but school and ballet have been keeping be busy

We could probably visit LA during thanksgiving break

Oh my gosh yesss

minoru #1
Please come😭
I'll be home for thanksgiving week

lesbian jesus
Your families are also more than welcome to come too!

Y'all are so sweet😭

Tanks y'all!
We'll talk to our parents

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