part 5

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Kairi woke up the next morning, he looked down to see Sarah, laying on his chest. He then realized he was shirtless, he thought of last night and smiled. He grabbed his phone and did random stuff. Than Sarah woke up and pressed her palms against her forehead, "Ugh, I have a headache," Sarah said to her self. "Are you okay," asked Kairi smiling. Sarah looked up at Kairi then remembered about last night, they both giggled then. Time went by, Sarah ran to the bathroom and threw up. Kairi was behind her, he rubbed her back, and pulled back her hair. "Oh no!" They both thought to their self's, Sarah thought for a split second, "am I pregnant?" Sarah went to sit on the couch and Kairi went to get her some food and a drink. Sarah went pee, ALOT! Kairi was worried and secretly looked up pregnancy symptoms up online. He then got even more scared once her found information. Sarah noticed the look on his face when he saw the information, "what's wrong?" Kairi looked at Sarah and just smirked and said, "nothing baby, don't worry," Kairi didn't want her to worry, so he kept it to his self. The day went on, Kairi took care of Sarah all day until her besties came and got her. They had to pull over so Sarah could puke. Lily pulled up to the gas station, Julia got out and went in. She came back out with a bag, it had snacks, drinks, and a PREGNANCY TEST!?!?

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