"What?" Taehyung answered snappily. It wasn't necessarily the junior's fault that his mood was down but he couldn't help it.

"Did my ringtone really set you off that bad? It's kinda catchy in my opinion." Jungkook answered through the phone, tone clearly amused.

"Shut up. It's annoying and embarrassing. You're lucky no one's around to hear it." The older huffed. "what do you want?"

"Come to the park."


"Just come to the park."

"I thought your mom needed you for something." Taehyung skeptically brought up.

"I lied. Now come to the park." Taehyung didn't like how blunt the younger was being.


"Because I said so."


"Because I wanted to hang out."


"Are you coming to the park or not?"

"Why- Okay, yeah sure."

Taehyung arrived at the park to see Jungkook sitting on a bench with two ice cream cones in hand. His eyes widened. Did he forget a special occasion or something?

He clumsily took his phone out of his back pocket— almost dropping it in the process— and checking the calendar. Hm, September seemed to be way too far off.

His brows furrowed before walking forward.

"I'm not sure if you're aware that your birthday isn't for another four months." The senior said as the younger handed the strawberry ice cream over.

"I'm aware." Jungkook rolled his eyes but that grin just wouldn't seem to leave his face.

"Then what is this for?" Taehyung was now genuinely confused.

"You know, I was gonna save it for later but knowing how impatient you are, I've already mentally prepared myself."

"... For what?"

"Your favorite ice cream flavor's strawberry right?" The younger asked, completely ignoring Taehyung's questioning stare.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Well if you were ice cream, you'd be my favorite flavor."

Taehyung was not expecting that. That was so unexpected that he almost choked on the ice cream when he bursted into laughter.

"What the- what the fuck, Kook?" He wheezed out. "That was so bad."

"Yeah, well... can I double stuff your ice cream sandwich?"

"Oh my fucking God. Stop!" Taehyung laughed out.

"Do you like cherry on top? If not, then can I have yours?"

The older would've dropped his cone if the light pole next to him didn't keep him stable. Jungkook knew how much he loved horrible pick up lines. There have been multiple nights were they fell asleep on call while seeing who can top the other's line better.

Jungkook reached behind him and grabbed the hoodie from the bench he was originally sitting on.

"This hoodie's made of cotton but wanna know what I'm made out of? Boyfriend material."

That... that did not make Taehyung laugh.


The younger held out the piece of clothing to which the brunet only stared at.

That didn't stop Jungkook from smiling because it gave him the opportunity to ask "Taehyung, will you be my boyfriend?"

The strawberry ice cream most definitely fell on the ground.

"Wait... you're being serious? Like you 100% honestly want to make me, the sack of moody potatoes, to be your other half? Your significant other? The sprinkles to your plain ass?"

"You can just say no if you don't want-"

"NO! No! Wait- I MEAN YES! Yes, I wanna be your boyfriend." Taehyung said in one breath, making it hard for the younger to understand until he repeated it again. "I wanna be your boyfriend, Jungkook."

The junior exhaled a relieved sigh before pulling the brunet into a soft kiss. His first kiss. Oh man, holy shit.

Both males couldn't stop the giddy feeling from rising in their stomachs. After years of being friends they were finally together.

Jungkook was the first to pull away.

"Can you take the fucking hoodie already?"



A/N: Thank you for reading this book! Please check out my other books and the Namjin book I will soon be publishing!

(Not gonna lie, I might have half-asses this ending chapter and you could probably tell. For that I'm sorry! I didn't really think of a proper ending for this book and only thought out the plot hehe.)

I purple you 💜

Hoodie Weather // VkookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora