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"Here is...your WWE Universal Champion, Dallas Greenberg!" A young man in a suit, holding the championship on his arm walks out, music blasting throughout the FedExForum.

"Wait a minute. Who is this...Dallas Greenberg? Last I checked the winner was the 'White Wolf', ya know the god with silky brown locks, and that really cool mask." Michael Cole speaks in disbelief.

Dallas makes it to the stage, pulling the microphone. "I know you all expected a quiet, mysterious, stalking soldier in kevlar and a cool face mask." The crowd cheers, and Dallas starts to speak again. "I hope you aren't upset with the makeover." The crowd boos him, and he sighs.

"There has been speculation that I sold out to Charlotte Flair and the McMahons. It's all talk. I'd never go against my friends, my colleagues, for an advanced paycheck. Speaking of colleagues." He smoothly changes the subject.

"There was an attack on Natalya and Charlotte Flair last Friday by three young women that call themselves...the 'Riott Squad'." He uses air quotes to mock the name. "So I personally wanted to speak these three about why they believe they can come on Smackdown like they own the place." He turns and waits, when the group's theme finally comes on.

"Oh, here they come, Liv Morgan, Sarah Logan, and Ruby Riot." The girls slide into the ring, and stare him down, as he towers over them. "Ya know, you were much more attractive when you were silent." Ruby says into her microphone.

"Listen, I'm not here to start any trouble, but I'd like you to know that all this...hot topic, NXT trash will not tarnish the Smackdown brand." The crowd boos him once more, as the girls advance.

"The only trash in this ring is holding a championship that the boss man bought him." Dallas chuckles, before being taken aback as Liv steps up.

His eyes widen as she licks her lips with her blue tongue. She puts her hand on his chest, before attempting to whisper in his ear. He kneels down, and she takes the chance to lick his jaw, before grabbing his face, and kissing him on the lips.

He kisses back, and the crowd cheers, as it turns into a full on make out session. Liv ends up kneeing him in the midsection, which makes him groan and fall to the ground. The woman lifts his hair up, before slapping him in the face hard.

"Oh, wowee, can you see the man's face? I think he's in love." Dallas's fingers lie on his lips, as he watches the Riott Squad walk out of the ring.


He walks into the back, and is greeted by Charlotte Flair. "Hey, you look good." They hug, and she pulls back, analyzing his features. "You got a little blue..." she wipes his face, and he chuckles in embarrassment.

"Thanks, mom." It'd been surprising for the both of them that they were still friends.

Charlotte couldn't fathom how naïve she'd been to believe Dallas would at least be faithful. He'd drunkenly approached Paige, to which the woman kindly refused. She told Charlotte, and Dallas cried and begged for her forgiveness, and surprisingly, she did. Although she refused to be in a relationship with him any longer.

They'd been friends ever since, and although it stings on both ends, they've almost moved on. Almost.

"So...how does it finally feel to be a heel." She chuckles to herself at the rhyme. "Weird, I kinda miss my hair." He recalled back when he first came to RAW as the 'White Wolf', and no one knew he was, cause Dallas had retired due to 'injury', and the soldier never spoke, or revealed his identity.

He remembered catching Charlotte on off days, having dinner dates on the beach, and cuddling in his hotel room, as she stroked his hair, smoothly caressing his body. They'd never tell anyone, but in between the 3 years of friendship, they'd been together twice, and now his mind was focused on everything but Charlotte's question.

"It's not how I planned for the year to go, but hey." The pair walked back the locker room, and stopped in front of the door. "Ya know, Liv is actually cute, I know that whole lip wasn't apart of the script." She'd helped him practice lines to get the crowd to hate him, because she'd been doing it for years now. "Yeah, the kiss was just shocking, wasn't prepared." He chuckles nervously, and Charlotte raises her eyebrows. "Sure."

"It's true!" Charlotte kisses him on the cheek, before giving him another hug. He leans into the hug, contemplating how he could've gotten so lucky to have a friend like Charlotte. "I'll see you at the airport?" He nods at her, looking behind her to see Liv and Ruby talking about something that seemed interesting, until the girl met his stare.

Charlotte's eyes squint, before she begins toward his gaze, and he stops her with his hand on her forearm.

"I'll see you later?" He asks, opening the locker room door.

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