"Ive been thinking about this for a while and I wasnt a good brother before brad was around, while he was here or after he passed. And im sorry for that. I feel like a piece of shit and then I see you with a guy at the carnival and it made every thing sink in. The memories I have with you are like when you are five six years old. And now your sixteen. Ive missed ten years of your life. Your first deer first buck first time shooting a gun by yourself. First car. I cant be there to scare your boyfriends away. Im sorry for everything. It makes me feel bad that the only time you see me is at the garage and even then. We barley talk..."

"Dony stop really. I mean yeah I always think why isnt he ever around for christmas or anything like that. But actually I havent shoot anything yet out hunting. I really dont want Jef to bring me to shoot my first anaimal I want it to be you. Your the closest I have to dad and thats all I want."

"Well I have something for you"

We head out side to his truck and theres a case laying in his truck.

"Well open it..." I open it and there a brand new bow. I was supposed to get for my birthday cause I broke my last one. But my mom didnt have the money.

"Is this for me...."

"Yeah I know mom couldnt buy you one and I thought id try to make up being a bad brother just a little by getting you one. I know how much you love shooting and your good at it. " I give him a big hug. And gives me what I call a brad hug. I hug like my other brother used to give me. I guess others would call it a bear hug. I havent had a hug like that in over a year. I just wanted to cry.

"Dont cry alex I dont wanna cry....I also have something else. I want you to have dads tool box off of old blue.."

"Are you serious.."

"Yeah I know you wanted the truck but hopfully this is okay. Oh yeah and next weekend I thought we could go sight in this bad boy of yours and shoot the guns"

"Oh my gosh thats sounds amazing. Thanks dony I love you"

"Love you to.."

" okay I hate to leave but I have plans I made like last week. Sorry.."

"No its fine go I understand. Ill give you everything next weekend sound good?"

"Yeah.... Ill have to go get my guns from matt before we go out shootin. But I'll se you in a little I'll be out to get my four wheelers and stuff from Frank later " I wink at him when I say stuff cause he knows exactlly what I mean. He heads back in the cafe and I get in my truck to go get chell and rikkii. I go to rikkiis first I honk and she takes about 20 minutes to come outside. She gets out side and gets in the truck.

"So what are we doin today??"


"Hell yes haha been waiting for a while.."

"Me to haha. Got to go pick up chell then on to my brothass to get my shittt"

"Haha kayy.." we leave and head out to michelles. I get to her house and she comes running out. I dont blame her her little sister is sooo annoying. And if she doesnt leave fast enough her little sister will have to come with us. And I cant say no cause our families are like family.

"Hey alex hey rikkii you guys ready?"

"Fuck yeah" rikki screams

"Hell yess"I reply.

"Okay well can we pick up a few of my friends I want you guys to meet???"

"Like who and how many cause I can put one up her with us and two in back maybe if theyll fit with the helmets haha"

"Three and their names are Tony, Dee, and Jaykob" I look at Claire. And think no it can't be the same tony. Never.

she said it so inocent I couldnt say no haha.

"Oooo are they cute???" Typical claire haha.

"Okay well go get them cant hurt right?"

"Yuss boo boo" haha thats like chells moto haha. So I drive and go pick these guys up. turns out their all cute. Jaykobs pretty cute hes got flippy hair. Tonys pretty hot he wears boots. Dees okay hes not my type hes city boy. I see him going for claire and jaykob michelle. And I look at Tony. Same guy from last night. Great.

"Okay one of yall is gonna have to sit uphere with us and the other two back there excuse my mess haha. There helmets and food and drinks."

"Haha kay. Jaykob you can ride up front" Dee says with a smile on his face. Shell speeks up and comes up with an idea. I can't imagine whats going on in her little head. 

"Okay ive got this. Rikii get out alex stay there. Dee and rikkii will sit in the back. Then tony go sit by alex and then me and jaykob next to him. See it works." Well everyone gets situated. I find it kinda akward cause tony puts his arm around me so we have more room. He just looks at me and smiles.

"So where we going" tony askes

"Well I have to go get the four wheelers and shit and some other stuff" I answer back


"Haha your nosey arent you tony. Well im getting gas matches more food and some beer..is that okay with you"

"Damn right it is "then he winks at me I have no clue how to respond so I I just wink back and smile and laugh. Then all of sudden rikkii shouts

"What beer I dont like beer get tea to...please"

"Yeah me to" chell says

"Same here" this was the only thing I had heard out of dee since he got in the truck.

"Okay fine you pussys..." I respond back. tony burst out into laughter and then everyone gets laughing and were havin a good old time. I get to my brothers storage place.

"Hey frank. (Hes donys friend who also owns this place with don) im here to get my fuckinnn shitttt…" i smile and give him a hug.  "and my cooler with my you know what… oh but i have a question. can I also have some tea..I have moneyy. A few of my friends dont like bud light…. "

"Okay its bad enough were givin you good stuff and I dont get mad when you cuss but dont be dropping the f bomb" dony comes out and all I can think to my self is oh great over protective brother, three guys in my truck, beer, not a good thing.

"Hey dony"

"Who are the guys and I have the coolers in my office and the ramps ready for you"

"Umm thats tony jaykob and Dee there chells friends . And okay thank you  do you think the four wheeler two dirt bikes are gonna fit? Oh and do you have two exra helmets I can steal for the night...pleaseee. And frank said hell give me tea to cause I have money."as I say this I keep a big smile on my face cause he cant say no when I smile.

"You are going to be the death of me. Lets get you loaded up" we get everything together. Don meets the guys and probably scared the shit out of them saying dont hurt my sisters. there all my sisters. Ill hurt you blah blah blah normal brother stuff well, normal dony stuff. We say good bye and all that fun stuff and head out.

All rikkii can do us freak out over the hill we have to drive up at Sheeps Head cause the dirt bikes and stuff in the back, and its a narrow steep hill. And this is all I hear about for about 30 minutes, until I turn up the radio and jam out to ready set roll by chase rice and the radio. I hear complaing form dee cause of my music and tonys yelling at him arguing over it. Typical now that I know tony. Finally we reach the spot. We explain to the guys most times we stay the night up her cause we drink but if they cant stay ill drive them home. They call and find out they can stay. With some lying involved in all this. What there moms think are tonys at dees with jaykob. Jaykbs at tonys with dee. And dees at jaykob with tony. Yeah I know bad bad kids.

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