8. warm night's air

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I texted Izzie when I arrived home to let her know that I was safe and in one piece before throwing my phone onto my bed and taking a well needed shower.

The shower is usually where I have my greatest and smartest idea's for comebacks and planning conversations in my head. Tonight's shower thoughts however were consumed by Izzie. The past 48 hours had really been something else. From showing up at her door after a fight with Evan to then actually breaking up with him, going and seeking Nick's advice and leaving the bar feeling violated and disgusting and extremely drunk, Izzie rubbing my back while I empty the contents of my stomach into her toilet, confessing my feelings for her in the car, meeting her siblings and then all the sneaking around for secret kisses, it almost seemed unreal. Like we were characters out of a story or tv show or something.

After a while of thinking and replaying the moments of today back in my head I heard a knock at the door. "Yes, whoever is there."

"It's Sam. Mom said that you have to come down for dinner now." He called through the door

"I'll be down in 5."

I finished up and got changed and headed down for my first dinner all weekend. Before I left, I quickly checked my phone to see no reply from Izzie yet although I wasn't worried as I knew this time typically consisted of dinnertime, bath time and bedtime for her siblings.

I made my way downstairs to see the spread of food my mom had made for the three of them.

"How was your weekend, Case?" my mom asked as I took my place at the table

"Mm, yeah really good!" I told her with my mouth full of food. "I met Izzie's siblings and like we just hung out, it was cool."

"That's good sweetie. Glad you enjoyed yourselves." She smiled a warm smile at me, I sensed there was something more to it but I chose to ignore it.

"So, Case, you've got regionals coming up soon. How you feelin'?" My dad asked also scoffing his face with his dinner.

"Pretty nervous. Crowley's got us doing double everything because she said there's going to be scouts there everywhere." I told them trying to play my nerves off as confidence

"I'm so excited. I can't wait to see you out there, sweetie!" mom told me looking like she was ready to do a little dance.

"Oh hell no lady. No dances or over cheering of any sort. Be cool, you got me?" I told her sternly knowing full well there was no way she wouldn't when the day came.

We spent the rest of our family dinner talking and Sam filling me in on everything I had missed in my two-day absence (basically just a whole heap of penguin and Paige updates). 

Eventually dad and Sam finished up and left to do their own things, leaving me and Elsa.

I knew she was figuring out a way to engage in a particular conversation with me. "So, how were things really with- "

"-I broke up with Evan." I cut her off.

"You what? Oh honey are you okay?"

"I'm fine, mom. We had a fight, so I went back the next day to try and reason with him and he was just a dick about it so, I left. I haven't had much time to really think about it if I'm honest." I told her truthfully

"Did it have anything to do with another certain someone?" She asked hinting at something she had assumed since the night of my sixteenth birthday party.

As much as I couldn't handle my mother sometimes, I appreciated having someone to talk to in this moment. "I told Izzie that I may or may not have feelings for her. And I think she feels the same way, well, I think. I mean... we kissed a few times..." I trailed off stabbing my fork into my dinner.

"Casey! That is so great!" it was nice seeing her so relaxed and excited about this.

We talked for a while about it all and it felt good being able to get it all off my chest to someone who wasn't involved in the whole situation. Once our conversation was finished and plates empty, I ran up the stairs to my bedroom where I had a text from Izzie asking me to call her whenever I had time.

I quickly changed into an oversized Clayton shirt and threw on some pajama shorts and made my way into bed where I pressed her name in my phone and waited for her to answer.

"Heyyyy,"  She drawled out into the phone

"Hey pretty, how you going?" I asked her

"I'm okay. I miss you though..."

I laughed at her comment. "Babe it's been like two hours... but you're right, I miss you too."

She didn't reply. Instead letting out a long dramatic sigh.

"So, how are the kids?"

"It was a mistake introducing you to them."

"Oh?" I replied to her comment taken aback by her harsh words

"Yeah, because now all they do is go 'Casey this' and 'Casey that' and I just want you all to myself." She huffed and puffed

I laughed at her childishness and couldn't help but be proud of my efforts of bonding with her siblings so much so that I'm still the topic of conversation. "I am all yours Iz, don't you worry."

"God, this distance thing is hard." She sighed

Once again, I couldn't help but laugh at her comment. "Izzie, babe, we live 15 minutes from each other, I could hardly call that distance."

"Shut up, bitch. Let me be dramatic."

"Well, I miss you too and yes long-distance thing is going to be hard, but we will make it work. Like maybe, I could go the distance tomorrow and pick you up and take you to school?" I told her now playing along with her dramatic ways.

"Really?! You would come all this way for me? Wow, you really are the girl of my dreams." She joked back.

We talked for almost two hours. Talking about everything we possibly could. Most of the conversations we could have easily gone without but nothing to us seemed forced. I think we just both enjoyed the company of each other's voice there with us.

"Well, we got a big day of training tomorrow. You ready for sleep?" I asked her.

"I mean I can try but I dunno, there's this one chick who I just can't seem to get out of my head, and she is kind of consuming all of my thoughts."

"I could sing you a lullaby if it helps?" I jokingly told her knowing full well I couldn't sing and knowing she knew that too.

"You know what, I actually just got hit with a massive wave of tired but thanks for the offer, Newton." She joked pretending to rush.

"Alright, alright I'll save my amazing pipes for another day. Goodnight, Iz. Thank you for this weekend."

"Goodnight, Newton. I'll see you tomorrow."

There was a moment of silence on both ends. Either of us unsure whether it was too soon to say what was on both of our minds. After a few more moments of silence lingering I decided to end the call.

Third Person POV:

The call ended and both girls took the phone away from their ears and stared at the black screen.

And then, almost in unison took a deep breath.

"I love you."

And even with the 15-minute distance between them, both girls smiled a warm smile. Like there was no distance between them and they really did just tell each other they loved them.

"I love you, too." They replied to the warm night's air.


Hey all! Sorry if the end POV is confusing!!! I just wanted to finish the phone call in a different way. 

Anyways, hope you are all well and are enjoying 2020 so far. Lots of love, see you next update!

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