When their S/O gets injured

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🔹He immediately panics. He tries to finish his enemy as quickly as possible and then runs to your aid.

🔹Would probably carry you to the hospital if the wound is really bad, he'll probably be the type of person who will force the doctor to quicken his pace.

🔹When he finds out that you're gonna be alright, he immediately hugs you and tells you how much you mean to him and how scared he is of losing you.


🔹He looks calm on the outside, but he's panicking on the inside. He'll finish off the enemy quickly and will run to your aid.

🔹If the wound is bad he'll carry you to the hospital as fast as possible, unlike Gon he'll tell the doctor to take his time as he walks back and fourth waiting to see you condition.

🔹When he finds out that you're alright, he starts to call you "Baka" and talks about how he's gonna train you so you don't get into the same situation again. He'll then kiss your cheek and tell you to rest up.


🔹He's won't act calm and you can't tell me otherwise, he won't panic either he'll straight up get angry. He doesn't want to lose anybody close to him ever again.

🔹His eye's will probably turn scarlet as he uses his chains to finish of the enemy.

🔹He'll also take you to the hospital and will probably yell at the doctor to quicken his pace or he'll hurt him.

🔹When he finds out you're alright he'll probably cry and apologize for the way he acted.


🔹Since you're Hisoka's S/O you took out your enemy, but got injured in the process. Hisoka would be slightly amused at how vulnerable you look.

🔹He'll try to stop the bleeding with his bungee gum, until he arrives to Machi, so he can let her heal you.

🔹When he finds out you're alright, he'll just make fun of you and teases you.


🔹Again, if you're Illumi's S/O, then you took out the enemy, but got injured in the process. Illumi won't panic, but instead he just tells you how pathetic you are.

🔹He'll take you to the Zoldyck family mansion and will probably tell the butlers to deal with you.

🔹When he finds out you're okay he'll start training you more.


🔹Doesn't look panicked, but is actually panicking on the inside. He'll finish off the enemy quick and check on you.

🔹He'll take care of you himself, he's been alone for a long time and knows how to deal with situations like these.

🔹When he finds out you're okay he'll apologize for not being there for you and not protecting you.

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