Imagine#1 [ Hoyoung ]

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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1 ; 𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘𝓼 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮?

[ Y/N POV ]

You hums to Likey by TWICE, while cooking breakfast for yourself since you're living alone in an apartment with a cat. "Finally, my breakfast is done", you said to yourself. You bring the breakfast to the living room, while your cat is following behind you, waiting to be feed. You put your breakfast on the table, and then goes back to the kitchen to take your tea and the cat's food.

You feed the cat, and then you finally eat your breakfast. "I probably need to standby my uniform", you told yourself. Your phone rings, you picked up and answer the call. "Hello?, you said to the caller. "Hello y/n, you'll be filling your friend's shift since she isn't available today, is that okay?", your manager said. "Oh, I'm fine with that, may I know when the shift starts and ends?", you asked.
"It'll start at 9am and ends around 10pm, there'll also be a new worker with you as well, do teach him, thank you y/n!", your manager said, then hanged up the phone. "I should be going to work now, I'll get ready fast", you said to yourself.

You wear the café's work uniform, and grab the keys for the house, said goodbye to your cat and goes to your car. After arriving, you saw a boy in the café, and thought to yourself, that might be the new worker. You get inside the café and gets the cafe ready for opening. You introduced yourself to the new worker, "I'm y/n, I'll be your partner in work for today", you said to him and bows. "I'm Hoyoung", he said while you stare him dead in the eyes.

You thought to yourself, damn what is this feeling? You wear a black apron, and then open the café. Hoyoung got an order for caramel latte, meanwhile you got an order for ice coffee.

You fill the cup with ice then water, and you pour the coffee shot and mix it. While Hoyoung was struggling a little. You give the customer's order then help Hoyoung a little, but everytime you helped him, you felt this feeling in your stomach.

No y/n .. you already have a boyfriend, you better ignore this feelings.

For now ..


𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2 ; 𝓘𝓼 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 ?

You were working for your shift as usual, with your partner Hoyoung. It's been 3 weeks since he worked at the cafe with you and you've know him the best. Both of you get along quickly and become more closer, but still you have to keep a boundary between you and him because yeah you already have a boyfriend .

"Y/n ?", his voice startled the shit out of you.

"Yes, Hoyoung?", you replied as you smile sweetly at him.

"Our shift will end less than one hour ..", he trailed.

"Mhm, i'm aware of it.", you said as you clean the counter.

"Uhm so yeah you know .. i heard there's this new movie--",

"So, you're asking me out?", you cut him off with a sly smile.

"No! yeah but ugh .. never mind then--", he was about to walk away when you grab his wrist, " i'll go" you said again.

"Great! well then, i'll see you later y/n", he chimed and bounce away happily . You giggle at his cute reaction and continue your work.

Half an hour later, your shift ended and so does Hoyoung. You told him that you need to change really quick and he replied with an okay, and said that he'll fetch you later on. Once home, you went for a quick shower. You decide to wear a simple crop top with a denim skirt and do your hair. You also put a light make-up because you thought you look like a dead meat ( when actually you're not, you're gorgeous af )

Your bell rang twice and you know it's him. You grabbed your white converse, phone and wallet. You unlocked your door and opened it, revealing Hoyoung with a bonquet on his hand, "Uwu, what's this ?", you asked. "It's for you", he said and give you the bonquet. "Why thankyou, youngie", you replied and give him a light kiss on his right cheeks. "Come on now", you said as your hand snake around his arms. "O-okay", he replied. What you didn't realize is that Hoyoung was a blushing mess, his heart skipped a beat when you kiss him, eventho it's just on his cheeks but it's already make Hoyoung gone crazy. "You look beautiful today, " he blurted. "Oh ain't i always ?" you replied with a playful smile. "Always," he said and you laugh at his boldness.


𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3 ; 𝓨𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓮

"What do you mean?!", you shouted as tears streaming down your face.

"I mean we should break up!", your boyfriend shouted to you back.

"B-but, why ? why do want to break-up ?", you replied.

"Why? you're asking why?! go find a mirror and look at yourself! you're nothing y/n! you're nothing but a worthless bitch!", you cried even harder when that word come out from his mouth. That's who I am to him? A bitch?

"And you think i don't know that you always wander around with that little affairs of yours ?! HUH ?! YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW ?!", he yelled again at you.

"Forget it ! i'm leaving anyway", he said, slamming the door behind him .

Your body was trembling as tears stream down your cheeks. You didn't even realised your knees had gave up awhile ago and now you was miserably sitting on the floor. You cried too much that your vision become blurry, and your breath came out raggedly as tears continued to fall one after another.

You hate him ! You wish none of this had happened. You wish you never met him! But little do you know, it's already late. He already left you .

"Y/n?", you suddenly hear a voice behind your door.

"Go away!", you shouted weakly.

"Y/n, i know you're upset. But it's me Hoyoung. please open this door for me", he plead.

"Hoyoung?", you sniffle.

"Yes, yes it's me Hoyoung", he said, trying to open the door but gave up anyway since it's locked.

You didn't reply him. Moment later,you slowly get up and walk towards the door, but you didn't open it. Instead you just stand there and stare at it numbly.

"Y/n ?", he called out again.

"Hoyoung .. i need time to be alone right now .. i see you soon okay ?" you said slowly.

"No! please y/n, i want to talk to you right now . I want to see if you're alright, regardless what had happen."

You sigh and unlocked the door. When you opened it, you saw Hoyoung with his worried expression.

"Hye, so what is it you want to say?" You asked, looking straight into his eyes.

"Y/n, i heard about the break-up, I'm so sorry .. I know i had nothing to do about this, but i want to say thankyou for yesterday, but i guess maybe Hyunso got the concept wrong .."

"Mhm, it's okay . and get you please get into the point ? my head is throbbing so much right now--" you joked and laugh half-heartly.

"Oh yeah ! Y/n ... since now you're single, i may have something to say--", you cut him off when you pull him for a hug.

"I know .. i like you too, just promise me that you won't leave me too", you said as you hug his body tightly, not wanting to let go.

"I promise."

credit to hrharu for helping me with this chapter ♡
[ am also sorry if there's any grammatical errors, bcs i write this at 1 in the morning (ಥ_ಥ) ]

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