Growing Up In My Life !

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×× the aunt that I'll be writing about is the last born of my grandmother ×× ( don't be confused )

                               let's begin

I am Gugulethu Charmaine Mogobe , A Daughter Of *** And ** . I am the last born of my father , and third born of my mother . I am the third of five grandchildren of my grandmother . I have two aunts one which is the second born of my grandmother and one which is the last born of my grandmother.

As I grew up , I grew up to be one talkative , happy , stress free , depression free , outrageous child : but all that came to an end when i got to face reality.
I think I was only 4/5 years old when I got to live with my aunt whereby I had left my mother's home . By the way when I moved to my aunt's house everything changed but life became better . I was that girl who would possibly get anything at any given time even though I wasn't as happy as other children cause I never knew a mother's love , nor entertainment or outside life could replace that . My aunt would go out every single weekend either to the friends or wherever and I'll be with my selfish , unruly and disrespectful brother . He would either shout me when I want to attend my morning classes or beat me up , anyway it was of life all that mattered was I would go to school . I just cannot lie that my aunt gave me the love my mother couldn't , she would entertain me , she would buy me expensive things and she raised me like her own till now . Even when she lost her job things never changed , life was still the same , life continued till...
I changed schools , life was really exciting cause I got to brag to my friends how I'm in expensive schools and how I use transport to school and all that an excited child would say . School life went on and on , and I was excelling and doing good in my grade 5 (2015) , got awards and all that , then came June holidays when my life became a turnover , I was so hurt that my step mother who is my aunt is moving out where we were living due to my brother's doings and all that . I felt neglected , unwanted and unloved because I had questions like , why would she leave me ? am I not good enough ? Am I not the daughter she wanted ? And that's how my hate built for my brother as I felt that he just ruined a sacred bond . I was just full of anger and hurt . I remember I was at my other aunt's house for holidays and that day I couldn't live by the fact that my step mother really left me for my brother's doings💔 , but then life continued and I went to live with my granny and she became my best friend in everything , I had totally forgot about my biological mother yet I still saw her sometimes probably thrice in a year , yet all that still didn't change our bond argg .
Well when I was living with my grandmother , I would witness everything . my life was just different .

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