Chapter 3

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"Zoey, !!!". I heard my mother shouting my name from the living room, my room is the middle room in the house closest to the bathroom.

"Zoey !!!!,.....sigh...Yuh need a job".

I am suddenly drawn out of my morning thoughts I was laying in bed awake reminiscing on my life, Not sleeping but it was my mothers usual practice to wake me at 8am to begin my day hastag being Caribbean. I stayed silent laying in bed not even stiring from the sounds of her voice earlier.

Then she left to do her usual outings yes outings like my self she doesn't work we both used to work. She is long long time retired teacher am talking about before her first child which is in his twenty's me and the other hand left my work at a run down restaurant reason not understood by my parents because its best I stayed although I was being treated like shit and insulted on a daily basic I whosever a lover of myself decided to quit before I end up in prison for murder and so that I can be happy. She is a dress maker though who works at home and I am currently a stay at home daughter.

I have tried to seek employment again but let's be frank my parents are and were sore about my departure from the best work since slice bread hastag a family related job...yes I kinda was working for family. I know we all have stories about those endeavors to clear the air to me we ain't one flipping fuck family related. She is my so called aunt I call her that because she is older and I don't actual put a term on our relationship she is my mothers long time friend from country a yam head if you ask me and a sister to my fathers first fling which produce a son we are not sure is his but I call him brother so I repeat we ain't shit.

And any sensebly good work in my vicinity are in a close vicinity is immediately shut down mock and jered by parents because they bitter but yet everyday I am reminded by my mother I need a job and this has been the cycle for the past months and counting. So while my mothers out and outing am left at home alone like I like it to clean the house, wash the dishes, sweep the yard and not eat anything until she returns round about 12/ 1oclk not that I complain am not a breakfast person and this has been the cycle of my life ever since I turned 14 and moved here the place I call confinement.

A lot have things have took placed the times she was not home I was home alone things I will never disclosed to my parents because it was probably my fault.

I got up and did my chores and around 11:o'clock I was finished and I was on my phone I do this everyday to pass the day away, seek employment keep a pressence on social media she won't be back until a next two hours am used to her routines her ways I study her way too much nothing she those surprises me. My father doesn't work either a mean in terms of a job job he works for my aunt which my mother is currently at and she despise me because of my mother because that what she those turn people family anyone against me I don't care though I have learnt to live with it and I know she is the one responsible for my disfunctional relationship with my aunt my older cousin which I call aunt told me all about it..... At first I was hurt really hurt that explains the mistreatments from her then I cried and got over it god works in mysterious ways and I trust him.

I went back to my bed and layed their going through Facebook and whatsapp then finally Instagram after doing so I read the pop up bible scripture on my phone. Then suddenly i received a message on Instagram from @trini_100 which read.

"Hey Watsup".

Humm... I thought and played with my phone screen scrolling up and down. Today has been boring lets have fun.

"Hi just here hbu".

Am not adding in the part that am laying down cause there's always am comeback line with can I join you and some other shit I hate it.

"Same here".

Deciding there was nth more to this conversation switched of my phone and went to the bathroom to get fresehend up.

Fast forward nine hours later...
My mother came back I ate cooked dinner and was now texting on wattsapp when another message came in from Trini_100.

" how ur night going".

"OK, yuh know am going to sleep shortly, Hbu".

I know I might sound like a horrible person but am too lazy for conversation and I tried viewing his profile but he hasn't accepted my follow to allow me to pry and let's face it he could me a perv.

"Okok, how old r u nd ok just give me ur wattsap number?".

Raising a eyebrow I ignore the second question why when you reply to any message online it automatically leads to giving out numbers smh.

" 18 19 next month, new number BTW have to search for it".

"OK I hope your single".

Lol woii I can't believe what am seeing first am too truthful for the life of me its true am 19 next month but this nigga asked me if am single after he requested my number this could be fun.

" 876*******. There yah go lol".

"Is it connected to ur wattsapp,"
"Nd what's funny, I guess ur not single then?".

" No what's funny is that you asked that question way after, ppl caa laugh again. Yes it is the number connected to whatsapp".

Let's face it am always single I stay at home lol unless am dating church boys nah are community trash hell no.

" ok, gonna make you belong to me then".

" A + for confidence we will see".

" Thanks, Whats your number?".

" Send yours let me text you".


" Thank you, your name what should I save it as".

He Ovulisly knows my name because its clearly there on my profile what am I getting my self into.

" Ur daddy". Was his simple reply

" Excuses You".

Word Count (1096)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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