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"I can't believe you did it," Noah gasped after Hades had called him into the living room and explained that you were secretly his missing half-sister. Noah had been happy that he actually liked one of his siblings, he hated the rest of them. You were currently in Noah's room and about to get changed for your mission. 

"When will you get your powers back?" Noah asked excitedly as you scurried into the bathroom to change.

"He said the second we get back up I'll start to feel them come back," you replied pulling some black jeans on. Hades had made an outfit appear by magic and given it to you telling you to wear this while you were on missions for him. 

It comprised of black jeans, high brown boots similar to the ones you wore in Neverland, a black leather jacket with a big hood that would cover your whole head. A small knife that you'd have to use to kill the people or it wouldn't work and a black scarf that doubled as a mask.

"This is gonna be so much fun," Noah smiled as you came back out of the bathroom joined into his huge bedroom. 

"The list of people is much shorter than I thought it'd be, we've only got to do 10." You told him sitting on his bed while he pulled his boots on and read the list you'd been given. 

"10 of the most guarded people on the planet. What if we have to break into a prison?" He raised his eyebrows sceptically while trying to read the list over your shoulder. You snatched it out of sight. Hades had been very specific on his terms in the deal saying you could tell anyone who was next on the list unless they were the current target, no one could read the list and you had to be the one to kill them. You were nervous to think about what he'd do when he realised you were doublecrossing him when you were finished. Never make a deal with the devil.

"We're going to get Peter and my friends obviously. Stop trying to read it you're not allowed to." You cast your eyes down the list again feeling slightly anxious. There was one name on the list, someone you knew, someone who wouldn't be easy to kill at all. "Would Rio like to come too?"

"Nah, doesn't like blood." He shook his head. "We can figure that out later though."

You stood up hiding the knife in your boot and pulling the hood up on your jacket, "Let's go then." Noah pulled his jacket on and followed you out of his room. You walked back down the long set of stairs, through the private living room and down to the main room where the party was being held. It was a shame you had to leave early, you didn't even get the chance to have a drink. 

As you got closer to the double doors Hades appeared and took hold of your arm firmly but gently stopping you. "You both know what to do so I won't explain it again. If either of you dies you get sent back down here and I'll send you straight back up, simple." He looked over at Noah, "Look after her, Noah and make sure the job gets done. You two are defiantly my favourites because you're not brats like the others. Have fun while you're up there." 

You nodded and turned to walk away but he called, "Your mother wants to speak to you as well, Y/N. She's outside." You gave him the thumbs up and followed Noah out of the door.

"Did you just give him the thumbs up?" Noah asked chuckling while weaving in and out of dancing people. 

"Yeah," you called back, "Problem?"

Noah laughed, "No wonder he likes you. You're not scared of anything, are you?"

"I wish that was true," you muttered to yourself quietly. You weren't scared of much but you had one thing that scared you above everything. Being abandoned by the people you loved the most.

You walked quickly down the stairs passing people going in the opposite direction. Four security guards joined you as you began walking through the garden making sure no one got close to you or Noah. 

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