The bridge pt1

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Hi, my names Josie. I live in a small town on the outskirts of LA, you'd think in such a beautiful place there wouldn't be a single issue in my life. You're totally wrong. My life changed when I first moved here, they call this town 'devils eyes' just because of how much bad luck is here.

I lived with my mum and dad all the way up until I was 11 and they had my little brother, Jake. My dad left a little after Jake was born he said he couldn't take having a family so he moved out leaving my Muma with nothing. I moved in with nana and grandpa a few weeks after my dad left, mama couldn't manage the house on her own. But that was 5 years ago I e grown up a lot and I still live with my mum, brother, grandparents and my dog, Colby. Mama is going to see aunt Denise soon. I can't stand that women so I'm staying here with nana and grandpa whilst her and jake go enjoy themselves in the city, they deserve it if I'm honest.

**the following week**

Today's the day mama leaves to see her sister, they're driving for 6 hours! I'm so glad I'm not doing that, I'd die if I ever had to be in a car for 6 hours. Well, it's for a good cause, mama and Jake  can get away from this hell whole for a few days. I get to help grandpa out on the lawn! He's building a shed and he says it's for me and Jake and of course I'm picking the colour of the inside, it's going to be green with wild life stuff in it. You'd think for a 16 year old girl I'd leave the childishness else where.

**Two days later**

It's 9am and it's pouring down, Colby won't stop barking at the rain. Mama is coming home today it feels like it's been forever since I've seen her and Jake, nana got a call from aunt Denise saying mama is sick but she'll still be able to make it him by 5pm. As I gaze out my window waiting for a car to pull in I see a boy sitting under the lark willow tree at the beginning of the field, I've never seen him here before? Do I go out to him?


Readers!! This is my first story and I'm working really hard on it please don't hate, I'll carry it on tomorrow!!

Who was the boy?
Why was he there?

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