1 | Broken

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Lisa | Broken


I felt so broken and I hated it.

I hated the battle in my chest that would leave me in constant pain and discomfort. I hated the sickness in my stomach and the knot in my throat that I struggled to swallow. Hated how every time I laid in bed, I realized falling asleep is inconceivable. And, in those sleepless nights, I would find myself trying to search for any kind of reassurance that everything was going to be fine.

But, I knew it was only wishful thinking.

"Are you two almost done sucking faces? I want to go home already," I —tried to— tease. However, I immediately felt more weight fall on my chest when all I received from the pretty brunette was a giggle and a throaty moan following after.

The quarterback, Junhoe, someone who I once considered my best friend but ended up losing that friendship the moment high school began because of reputation, slid his dirty, meaty hands down Jennie's ass and squeezed the flesh.

I looked away and fought an eye roll. I felt angry. They had only been together for three weeks and this live porn show had been going on everyday.

Everyday after school, I would walk Jennie to her locker. And, every damn time, Junhoe would show up and attack the lips I always wanted to taste. And Jennie would love it every single time and forget that I was waiting for her.

I'm always waiting for her.

So, yes, I was angry. But not only from
the situation, I was angry at myself for falling in love with my best friend. But, I couldn't help but feel relieved for feeling angry. Anger and hate always blocked out the overwhelming sadness I felt.

I huffed and turned away, not wanting to witness anything between the two any further. It hurt, oh God it hurt. "I'll meet you at the car," I muttered under my breath before walking away. I was exhausted both mentally and physically.

But, I hadn't even stepped out of the hallway when Jennie suddenly called our for me. "Lisa wait!" And being extremely weak for that honey like voice, I stopped but refused to turn around. I couldn't help wincing towards the sound of the last little smack of their lips before holding in my breath hearing Jennie's light footsteps tap against the tiles from behind.

"Sorry," she panted out.

I turned around to face my weakness and smiled,

"It's okay, let's go?" I asked while holding the door open for Jennie. I was desperately trying to fight back the cry that was bubbling up in my throat from the sight of Jennie's hazy brown feline eyes, flushed rosy cheeks and her swollen pink lips. The sight was killing me and Jennie would never know. Especially when she held my hand and guided us outside together.

"So, when are you going to get your license?" Jennie suddenly asked, breaking the new kind of silence between us. It was never quiet in our car rides, but ever since Jennie had begun to grow popularity and date Junhoe, something had changed between us. But I refused to believe it.

With a sly grin, I chuckled, "Getting tired of my presence already?" I teased, ignoring the way Jennie had let out a breath of relief and softened her smile. The brunette flickered her eyes towards me and playfully narrowed them.

"Impossible," she stated before focusing her attention back on the road.

Was it really impossible Jen?

"I mean, I guess I can't live without you either," I breathed out, acting as if I was cringing at the idea. She smirked,

"Oh really now?" She challenged.

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