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One clear afternoon,  after a heavy rain, our teacher asked Gina, my best friend, and I to walk Makafui home. Nine year old like us, Makafui has dark brown skin that glowed in the sun, pink lips and chubby cheeks.  She has the brightest eyes  I have ever seen. My sister says that’s why she cannot  see.
Even though everyone in the class treated her well, she didnt have many friends.
“So you stay down the street at the other side of the bridge?” Gina asked the third time to be sure.
“Why, don’t you believe me? You think I don’t know where my own house is?” Makafui asked beginning to feel annoyed.
‘Not that, Makafui. Even though we have been to the other side of the bridge lot of times, we normally visit the library there and hardly pay attention to the residential area.  So, we just want to be sure if you know your way home’. I said, trying to explain to Makafui. 
‘It’s okay. It’s not like anyone believes I can do anything on my own’. Makafui replied sadly.
We continued to walk in silence till we got to the bridge. 
‘Look’ Gina says suddenly pointing to the sky. ‘A rainbow’ I said gasping. We stopped for a moment and looked at the sky, well except Makafui.  Forgetting that Makafui was standing between us, Gina started tapping on Makafui’s shoulder. ‘Look, look, oh, how beautiful!’ Exclaimed Gina. She turned to look at Makafui.’ Oh I’m so sorry.  I forgot you can’t see’. She said apologetically.
‘That’s true, but I can see’. Makafui replied. We both turned to look at her, ‘huh?’
‘You see’, Makafui continued,  ‘I can see with my ears, my tongue , my hands, feet, nose and most importantly my heart.’
‘That’s called hearing, tasting , smelling and feeling’ Gina retorted.
‘Mmhm’ , I said nodding. ‘ How can you possibly see?’ I asked not out of curiosity, but to assert on Gina’s fact.
‘Yes! That is called feeling,  hearing, tasting and smelling, but I call it seeing’.
We just stared at her puzzled. ‘Well it’s not the same as seeing colours!’ Said Gina more puzzled.
‘Oh, actually,  it’s more than that’. Replied Makafui. We stared at her.
‘I feel it, the rainbows everywhere.’
‘Which rainbows? ‘we asked.
‘It’s only one.’ Gina tried to correct her.
‘No! Actually, there are two rainbows here’
‘ Where?’ we both asked.
‘You!’ she replied. ‘They are you. You see, my  mother told me once that rainbows aren’t the ones we see  in the sky, they are our reactions to them. Whenever people see rainbows, they are excited and happy. Unlike when they see lightning’.
‘So what is your point?’ I asked.
‘All I want to say is that every time we are happy, or smile or laugh, we make rainbows’. 

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