⭐︎ chapter 2 ⭐︎

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you gave me one look,

and now i can't get you off my mind.


"hi I'm josh." 

he looks at you with those eyes. 

you were left speechless and you slowly notice yourself staring at him for longer then you should have. you take a breathe as you try to slow down your heart rate before speaking. 

"hi I'm y/n, nice to meet you." you say as he smiles at you, his white teeth poking out from his lips. you smile back at him, taking another quick breathe as you look at matt. 

"so, what's with the celebration of the fire pit again. i thought we already had our fun last night." you say to matt as you try to not stare at josh, as you feel his eyes on you.

"well, i thought it would be nice to do something special. plus, I get to hang out with people I enjoy hanging out with." he looks at your best friend as she blushes. you smile as you feel butterflies inside of you. you were happy for your best friend, but you always had a slight jealously with her. it wasn't fair how she was able to get any guy she wanted whilst you hadn't had a boyfriend. well, that wasn't entirely true. however, with the shit that your ex caused you, it felt you really hadn't had a boyfriend.

you give a slight smile as matt and your friend take each other hands before walking down the beach together, leaving you alone. you sit down on the log near the fire pit as you stare at it. your thoughts were overbearing you as you feel the alcohol hit you. your eyes go a bit dizzy as you suddenly get some joy. you stare at the fire pit, forgetting the world and forgetting everyone around you. 

it was just you, a girl who never experienced loved and felt she would never experience love, staring at a fire pit...alone. you weren't harsh on yourself, it wasn't your fault you didn't have a boyfriend but you did blame yourself in some way. you just didn't find it fair that you were the one being single, even though you knew you couldn't blame yourself it was just hard not to when you're constantly surrounded by people in relationships-

"lost in thought I see?"

you look to see josh sitting beside you with a smile planted on his face. you smile back at him, embarrassed by your weird behaviour. 

"yeah, thoughts do that to you sometimes." you say as josh nods.

"or...it could just be the alcohol hitting you, either way... you know." he says as you nod, giggling.

"sorry for the unusual first impression, i don't normally act like this. I'm just tired from last night." you say as he laughs. you look at him weirdly as he blushes towards you.

"you were pretty smashed last night." 

instantly, your heart drops.

"oh god, did you see me last night?" you ask as he nods, as he laughs again. you cover your face with embarrassment.

"you weren't bad, you were quite sweet." he says as you laugh.

"I'm so sorry for anything I did or said." you say as he smiles.

"you didn't do anything bad, you told me yourself you wouldn't remember your actions so I forgive you. it was honestly a pretty good first impression." he says as you smile.

"you're just saying that so I'm not embarrassed further." you say. 

"or maybe I'm actually telling the truth." he looks down at the fire pit as you stare at his eyes once again. the fire seemed to shine through his glazed eyes. a single strand of hair falls down his face as it goes over his eye. he looks at you noticing your staring as you divert your eyes to the fire pit. 

"so, how do you know matt?" you ask josh as he smiles.

"a long story, but overall, we've been childhood friends for a while." he says as you smile.

"that's sweet you guys are still friends after all these years." you say as josh nods.

"he's a pretty good one. he's a dork sometimes but you learn to love him. however, he seems to be very interested in y/f/n." josh says as you look over to them sitting down near the water. you smile at them as you turn back to josh to catch him staring at you. you blush as you look back at the fire pit. 

"they've gotten to known each other as friends, both always been interested in each other and have crazy chemistry yet just never got together. y/f/n is very popular with the boys, as you can see by her looks, so she never settles down for just anyone since she can get everyone." you say as josh laughs under his breathe.

"what?" you ask. 

"she's not overly pretty." josh answers as you look at him, your eyes furrowing.

"dude, are you blind? she's one of the most gorgeous girls in our group. she always gets all the boys." you reply as josh shakes his head as he turns to look at you.

"and you don't? I hardly believe that." he says as you blush again, your heart freezing for a short second.

"trust me, I'm the girl that gets no one." you reply as you look down at the sand again, your thoughts beginning to flood again.

"well then trust me, you're more my type than she is." 

as you look to the sand, you slightly freeze as you hear josh. you look back at him as you smile.

"thanks." you reply with as he blushes back.

"you're welcome." he replies as you both smile at each other before looking back at the fire pit. 

you continue sitting down together before matt and y/f/n come back. you see matt go over to the keg, grabbing a drink before yelling,



new day, new chapter

I've really got some awesome ideas for this story and I hope you guys are excited for it. since josh isn't overly popular yet, which I know he will be soon, I'm excited to write something fresh and exciting. 

⭐︎I hope you all are having a good day and I love you all dearly⭐︎

angie xo

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