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                      August P.O.V

I woke up and noticed I had 2 text messages from Jay.
DoeBoi_Jay: Bruh we need to get to work today.
DoeBoi_Jay: Wake up n$gga.
ThatNiggAug: Aight Bruh. Meet me on Highland Ave.
DoeBoi_Jay: Aight

It's 11:00. It's Tuesday so I know I have to work. I got up and took a shower and threw on my clothes.I went back in the room and Nicki was sitting up.
Nicki: Good Morning.  Where you going?
Me: I got to work.
Nicki: Where you work at?
Me: I'll tell you later but I'm already late.
Nicki: Mhm ok. (Stretches)

She flipped over and faced the other way.
Me: I'll be back around 3.  I love you. (Kisses her cheek)
Nicki: (mumbling ) I love you too.

I left and went to go meet Jay.  Time to make this money.

Me: Wassup man
Jay: Not a thing. I just felt like doing this today.
Me: Bruh I should be at home with my lady.
Jay: Oh really. I thought you called me whipped?
Me:(laughing) f*ck you n$gga
Jay: Whatever. Let's just get to work.
August: Yeah

                Nicki P.O.V.

I woke up and it was 12: 30pm. I'm glad I took the day off. I took a shower and got dressed in my white tank top, Black Jean crop jacket, black Jean pants, and my Oreo Jays. I decided to go cook lunch.


I ate my lunch and I decided to call August. It rang, and rang, and rang.

I called again and it did the same thing. I called Jay twice and he didn't pick up.

Me: N$ggas these days.

Oh Well. I called T.

T: Hello
Me: Hey boo. What you doing?
T: Oh nothing. You?
Me: Nothing. Have you heard from Jay and Aug?
T: Nope. I was getting ready to call and Ask you.
Me: What in the hell are they doing?
T: I wish I knew. I'm actually worried about them.
Me: me too. I called both of them two times.
T: I did too. I got to go but I'll call you if I hear from them.
Me: Ok. I'll do the same.
T: K. Love you.
Me: Love you too.

I hung up with her. I decided to go the gym and work out since I haven't been there in a while. Maybe I might see one of them.


I'm working out and i'm sweating, listening to my music and whatever when this dude came up and tapped me on my shoulder.
???: Excuse me miss, I couldn't help but notice you from where i was working out and you looked very familiar. My name's Issa by the way.

I stared at him for a moment until i realized it was my ex boyfriend who i thought had died.
Me: Oh my God!  Issa! Is it you for real?
Issa: (laughing ) Yeah it's me. How you doing Nicki?
Me: I'm doing great. How are you? I though you were, you know, dead.
Issa: Well I'm doing Pretty good actually. I have a daughter who I love so much.
Me: Wow. Congratulations! I'm in total shock right now.
Issa: Me too. I thought I would never see you again.
Me: I kinda made myself know that I wouldn't see you again.
Issa: I see but I have to go. Here's my number. We should hang sometimes.
Me: Oh definitely. It was nice seeing you again.
Issa: Same here.

We hugged for a moment before he left. I worked out for about another hour and decided to go home. It's 4:30. Aug said he should be back at three. I walked in and the house was empty. I checked my phone and I had NO missed phone calls or texts. Great. My own Bae didn't call me.


Heyyyy. I know this was shooorrt, but I wanted for y'all to have a say on what happens next. Should.....
A) Nicki watch the news to see Aug and Jay locked up and she bails them out and she has a huge argument with August.               
B ) She goes over to his house to find him cheating. They argue and Nicki realizes the girl is one of her family members.

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