Just Like Her

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(Takes place in the mansion, as usual)

"How fuckin' stupid can someone get, huh?" Milo has pushed himself into his older brothers room, quite a bit more frustrated than usual. All his actions seemed more harsh as he pulled off his gloves and tossed them onto the nightstand. He unraveled his scarf from around his neck and dropped it beside them. He plopped himself into the bed, reaching down for his boots. "What a fuckin' dumbass I am."
"Milo," Poppy spoke in a reassuring voice. He'd dealt with this one plenty, and it wasn't new to him. "Tell me what's wrong." He stood up from his desk and walked over to meet him, sitting on his own side of the bed.
Milo angrily undid and kicked off his boots, pulling himself up to he was properly next to Poppy. "Lots of shit." He held his head.
Poppy reached his arm around and rubbed his back for a little while, before resting his hand on Milo's shoulder. "What are you upset about?"
"I'm not upset, I'm fuckin' pissed, mate!" He clenched his fists and threw his head back. "Fuck!" He laid down, covering his face. "It's all the same shit as it usually is..."
"Is it Percy again...?" Poppy tilted his head down at his brother.
"'Course it is." He shook his head. "I don't know why it keeps happening."
"Well," Poppy adjusted himself to lay down next to him. "Explain to me what 'it' is."
"I don't know..." he sighed. "It's this thing every time I talk to the kid..."
"Go on..." Poppy looked down at him, raising an eyebrow.
"I get all weird. Like... my personality changes. I get all soft and shit. It's so strange, Poppy, really. It's fucking me up." He sighed, shutting his eyes, very frustrated.
"In what kind of way? Have you felt it ever before...?"
"Well... I mean, I feel a hell of a lot different around you. But that doesn't really count, huh, 'cause we're brothers." He tapped his fingers against his stomach, where his hand was resting, while he thought. "Hmm... maybe... maybe Sariah... which is awfully strange to say." He peeked back at Poppy for validation.
Poppy nodded in response. "You loved the girl. Could go on for hours and hours..."
"Shut your whore mouth!" Milo smacked his older brother lightly.
"Well? Am I wrong?!" Poppy laughed lightly, nudging him in return.
"No, but... But what are you implying?" Milo raised an angry eyebrow.
"Oh, nothing, nothing. Just a thought." Poppy looked back at the ceiling.
Milo scowled at him. "Are you really going where I think you are? I don't love Percy, you son of a bitch!"
"I never said you did-"
"You implied it, though!" Milo sat up, reaching up to mess with his hair. The whole situation stressed him out real bad, because he never thought of loving Percy. He didn't think he wanted to love the kid.
"Calm down, Milo... it's not going to ruin your life." Poppy rubbed his back. "Lay back down."
"Sariah did..." Milo scoffed, slowly laying back down. "Let's hope this one doesn't end in murder, too."

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