i laughed, cutting her off, "yeah that was me. way to bring up that embarrassing moment."

"hey, it wasn't embarrassing," she explained, "i thought it was pretty cute," she continued, causing me to smile.

"alright briar and myles?" amy made her way over, "it's time for you guys to start filming some scenes together."

so we did, we went and filmed our scenes and we had the best time. briar is actually such a nice girl - i'm so happy to call her my friend now. but unfortunately today is coming to an end very quickly. just as i'm about to head out for the day i feel a light tap on my shoulder.

i turned to see the one and only briar nolet, "what's up?" i smiled.

"i have a question," she grabbed my hat, placing it on her head.

"are you asking to borrow that? if so, no it's my favourite," i took it back quickly while she laughed.

"no silly. at my studio there's an open ballet class.. i think you should come," she smiled.

"wait really? why me?" i said, confused.

"because surprisingly, i enjoy your company," she giggled, "so see you at seven tonight? at canadian dance company?" she grabbed her bag as i nodded.

"i wouldn't miss it for the world," i smiled while she made her way out.

i was supposed to go to my moms studio tonight to help out but hopefully she understands.

after leaving set i got into my moms car, she had been waiting for me outside, "ready to come to work?" she asked happily while starting to drive.

"actually.." i started slowly, "i was invited to a ballet class at canadian dance company tonight. can i go?"

"canadian dance company?" she replied, "why would you want to go there i thought you loved stars academy?"

"i do, but this girl-"

she laughed, cutting me off, "say no more. of course you're going because of a girl."

after some bickering in the car, she took me to canadian dance company at the right time. i went in and had what felt like the best class ever. i really loved it there, everyone made me feel so welcomed. plus.. it's briars studio. she's such an amazing dancer and a sweet girl. i would love to get to know her more and be able to dance as well as her - maybe i should consider switching studios? i just have to think of valid reasons to bring up the topic to my mom of course.

"so who was that guy you were hanging out with at dance?" she smirked as we went inside our house.

"a co-worker," i replied, making my way to my bedroom upstairs.

"a co-worker? briar you're thirteen, you don't have a job," she followed.

"i do, i work on the next step," i said proudly while stopping in my door way, "he's my friend okay? like you said i'm thirteen. i don't have a job and i'm too young for a boyfriend so don't even get that idea," i shut the door then got ready for bed. i love my sister but she gets so annoying.. like all of the time.

oh well, the next day i went to set once again.. and i was greeted by myles in hair and makeup, "good morning," he said happily, wrapping his arms around me.

"morning!" i smiled doing the same.

hugs became our thing. sure we only knew each other for one day but we could both tell that we were made to be best friends.

"did you have a good sleep last night?" we both sat down as the girls started doing their work.

"yeah it was pretty great, what about yourself?" i asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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