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Yay, chapter 2. Am not gonna say much. But I hope you enjoy my cute cups cakes. :)

The day at the hotel was way too busy. And all Darren could think about was going to his apartment, curl up in his soft bed and shut the world outside.

Life for him has never really gone smoothly. He has never felt like he belongs. Most times he just feels like he is a spectator watching things happen without anyone caring for his opinion.

And today, was one interesting day, that he never really saw coming.

After thinking that he was done with the days work. He was called in for one extra job. He needed the extra money, as he looked for a better paying job, and a less draining one.

Darren, 25, and from a house of seven had to fend for himself after collage,  so that his siblings could be able to complete school as well. His parents were meager farmers, so they had to make do.

It actually helped that his Father was a preacher, and he gathered some more earnings from a section of philanthropic members of his church who were willing to give, in a blink of an eye.

Darren took the extra job easily,  but in his head, he was at war with his body, for working it extra time into odd hours of the night, and having less sleep everyday.

But what option did he have? Bills had to be paid, or else go back to the village. That was not even an option for him.

Darren was needed to ensure that a new guest at the hotel,  who had just arrived, was settled in comfortably. And who else was to do that flawlessly and fast, if not the one and only perfectionist, Darren.

So, he harried to the laundry, took the linen and then asked for the key card to the said room ( a man of few words)

He made everything look presentable. Stepped out to inform the receptionist that the room was ready and let Mary the receptionist usher in the guest.  And left.

Soon after  Darren left the reception, he remembered that he completely forgot to put the towels in the bathroom. So unlike him.

His brain was definitely shutting down in protest.

But that was not the problem at that moment. The problem was,'what if the guest is already in?' He kept repeating it in his head like a mantra.  He never really liked interacting with the guests much. But he definitely observed more than his brains could decode.

However, the only way to solve this was to make it right. So he went to find the towels, folded them neatly  and trotted towards the room.

When he finally came around to place them in the room, wait for it , wait for it, boom! the guest was already in. Not even funny.

He took a deep breaths in and out, counted to ten, then knocked. There was no answer.

After making an assumption that the guest was out. He was relieved beyond comprehension.  Darren  swiped the key card and walked in, only to be met by a sight of a pants dropping gorgeously handsome  man sprawled on the bed with all clothes on, and even shoes.

Some few seconds passed and the mysterious guy snorted in his sleep. That's when Darren realised he was staring and drooling.

If his dad was anywhere near that. He would have installed some sense into Darren. Telling him how staring at  another man in that way was an abomination of the highest order. Thereafter, followed by a whole summon on it, to emphasize.

Coming to think of it, Darren never went to church after he came to Nairobi. Maybe, a tiny bit of rebellion to fill his ego. Who knows?

Uh oh! he had spaced out again, and forgot he needed to flee the room.

In shock. Darren hurriedly left the room slightly banging the door. He  decided to  eavesdrop, to find out if he had woken the man up with his panicked movements. But to his surprise, there was not even a single sound. So he decided to wait a little longer, gather his being, so that he could knock again.

After about 10mins of knocking gently and waiting without an answer, he started running out of patience, so he had to knock even harder.

There was no way he could just go and wait in the staff lounge. Not that he ever did that anyway. Moreover, the guest might wake up and need a shower. He knew. He knew he would be in trouble if the guest called for the towels to be brought up.

Finally, he heard some shuffling and a 'yes' from inside.

"Room service. " he called out hoarsely and the door was opened.

The guest was definitely, handsome, and his bed hair was all ruffled up and soft to the eyes.

"Are those for me?" the guest asked quizzically, and brought Darren from high up his head  down to reality, breaking  his train of thoughts.


Alas! A painfully short chapter. But you know what. I haven't written any story on here ever, so, baby steps. And FYI getting the hang of it is haaaaard. But am trying.   please tell me am nailing it?
Anyway, my pumpkins, I hope to bring up chapter three soon. Mmmmmwah..!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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