"Nothing." Jisoo mumbled.

"Hey shouldn't you know where she lives? Geez you are forgetful." Jennie chuckled.

"I tried to tell you." Jisoo muttered indistinctly.

Jisoo learned that when Jennie has one bad thought in her head she blends everything else out, nothing else manages to sink through to her.

The elder figured she can pull her out of it with a light flick on her forehead, a pinch on her fluffy cheek or a warm touch against her skin.

"They are moving." Jennie stated and strolled leisurely further.

"Yeah. Let's take it easy though." Jisoo wrapped her hand around Jennie's palm before she intertwined their fingers.

Jennie darted her brown orbs to her to which Jisoo responded with a smile.

Maybe this works too.

A reminder that she shouldn't let solely her head carry her and stay on the solid ground as well.

And indeed Jennie stayed more composed afterwards as she clutched on Jisoo's comfortable hand.

"They properly look at their environment, walk to the right in order not to bump into anyone and are holdings hands to not lose each other in a crowd." Jisoo exclaimed. "If you asked me, they passed the test they didn't know they were taking."

Jennie couldn't deny it. She was definitely pleasantly surprised and gazed at them lovingly. They looked too adorable.

Suddenly they stopped walking and patted a stray dog.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo asked puzzled as Jennie tightened her hold on her.

"He could transmit diseases to them." Jennie claimed.

"You think?"

"Salmonellosis, Ringworm, Campylobacteriosis, Giardia, Leptospirosis, Dog Tapeworm, Hookworm, Rabies, Roundworm, Brucellosis..."

"That's a lot of worms... Anyways, doesn't he look adorable?" Jisoo gushed.

His tail was wiggling and his tongue stuck out.

Jennie almost fainted when his tongue touched Jisu's hand. Jisoo had to hold her waist for her not to fall down.

"Calm down!" Jisoo snorted. "She'll survive."

"Contagious disease can be spread through saliva and water.." Jennie choked out.

"Yeah but I still think that rarely happens. Just relax, okay? I touched tons of stray cats when I was a kid and look how healthy I am!"


Jisoo nodded. "Big dogs scare me."

"Unexpected." Jennie cracked a smile.

After what felt like forever the girls parted from the dog and Jennie inhaled deeply.

The brunette stopped in front of an elderly woman, confusing Jisoo.

She explained the woman the situation and requested for her to hand the girls the disinfectant Jennie carried in her pocket.

The raven was in disbelief but couldn't help laughing.

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