We're The Schuesters

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They were an odd family. Nobody looked like anybody else and everyone was different. There were arguments and fights and brawls but all families have those. Though not all families had twenty-three kids. That's right. William and Emma Schuester had twenty-three kids. It might seem stupid, but a family is a family no matter how large. Will and Emma just wanted to make the world seem alright for children who couldn't see it, and show ones who could just how much better it could get.

First off they had Finn, who was currently twenty, whilst in high school. Though the whole ordeal was a little traumatic, it brought them all closer as a family. Three years later, Emma and Will had Lauren, and then Kurt in the same year.

Then they adopted. Will, Emma, Finn, Kurt, and Lauren were all on a holiday in Spain just after Kurt was born when they came across Santana. Only a one-year-old and being beaten by her grandmother in public. It was a horrible sight, and after alerting child services and helping out the young child as much as they could, the family ended up taking her in.

A year later, Emma was pregnant again. Unfortunately though, the baby hadn't come through. At least that's what they were told, so as Emma and Will filed the paper work at adopt a young boy named Matt, who was a year younger than Finn and a year older than Santana, Emma was into labour with another child: Rachel.

After Rachel, the family settled down for a while, just the eight of them... but Will and Emma kept thinking about all the other children from the agency they'd adopted Matt from. There were so many, more children than couples out there to rescue them. Surely it wouldn't hurt to adopt one or two more, especially since the children they already had seemed to adapt to new ones easily. Besides, adopting children in their younger years would surely mean that they would get used to the family quicker.

And so with that in mind, a baby girl named Quinn joined the family. At least, that's what she was down as. Her real name was Lucy, but after her parents had died at a shooting at a very formal party, her sister Frannie hadn't wanted any connections in case the murderer came back. The Fabray's had a lot of enemies, and Frannie was right to worry and change Quinn's name to her middle one, because before she could do the same for herself, she had been found.

Quinn was the same age as Rachel, though a couple of months older, so they got along well, but Quinn was mostly interested in Santana, who enjoyed very much having a younger sibling fawn over her. At this point, Quinn and Rachel were babies, Kurt and Lauren were one, Santana was two, Matt was three, and Finn was four.

That was supposed to be it, but condoms are only 98% effective, so two years they had a little boy called Arthur. Unfortunately though, Arthur - or Artie, as the children called him - was born with a disability and couldn't walk, which proved a challenge for Emma and Will. Though clearly, the couple loved a challenge and were willing to make the whole thing work.

Whilst on a work trip to China, Will met Mike whilst he was out on a day trip with the rest of his foster care roommates, and quickly took a liking to him. After a phone call and video chat with Emma, once again the family had found themselves another little ray of sunshine at the age of one.

Funnily enough, when Will returned (with Mike) Emma also had a child up her sleeve, a sassy two-year-old names Mercedes, who'd apparently already made friends with Kurt.

And it was, at this point, a family of two parents and ten children. One might think that it was enough, but it wasn't. Finn was six, Matt was five, Santana was four, Kurt and Lauren were three, Rachel and Quinn were two, Mercedes and Mike were one, and Artie was just a baby.

When Artie turned one, it appeared that Emma was, yet again, pregnant. And Will had this wild idea. It was to even out the number of children was the next child was born, especially considering gender. The children liked being equal - Santana was very adamant about it, especially when she found out that Will had adopted a boy from China and it was unfair that she got another brother and not another sister, key reason as to why Mercedes came into the picture.

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