Chapter Two: Drinks With Joshy

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A/N: I'm sorry this took so long and it's so short

My eyes slowly open and light flooded my eyes. I squinted my eyes for a few seconds trying to adjust to the light. Once I could see I noticed that I wasn’t in my hotel room. I must have fallen asleep in Niall’s. I got up from the couch and walked to my hotel room to have a shower. I got in and let the steaming hot water run down my body.  I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist.  I put on some shorts and a t-shirt. I heard some familiar giggles in the hall. Of course they belonged to Monica who was being chased and tickled by Harry. Ehh Why isn’t that me! I had sat down on my couch and pulled out my phone. There was a knock on my door I assumed it was Niall so I groaned Got up and opened the Door "What Do you want?" I asked annoyed. I looked at who was at the door. It wasn't Niall. It was Monica. "Um Uhh Sorry I thought you would be Niall" "It's Fine, I was just wondering if you wanted to come with me, Dan, Jon And Sandy for A drink." “Um Yea sure I'll Just grab my wallet." "Cool Meet us at mine and Harry's room" “yeah sure" I closed the door. Why does she have to do this? Why is she so perfect? No Josh. She is Harry's Girl. Stop thinking these things. I tried, I tried not to like her but I couldn't help it she was just so Amazing. Her Curly Brown hair was stunning. Her Blue eyes are mesmerizing. Her Smile was just perfect. I grabbed my wallet and started to make my way over to their room. "Took you long enough Joshy" Wait What? Did she just call me ....Joshy? "Yea sorry I couldn't find my wallet" I lied. “You have it now though right?" Asked Sandy. "I don't want to have to pay for you. "Yea" I replied simply. 







After we had returned from Getting some drinks Monica Went straight to Harry. Their Lips Locked and I couldn't look at them. I didn't want to. I walked to Niall's Door and Knocked loudly enough that it woke him up. Because knowing him he wouldn’t be up. He sleeps every chance he gets and I don't blame him. “I’m already awake" He said annoyed while opening the door. "I'm Surprised, it's not 3 in the afternoon yet" "Haha Very Funny Mate" I stuck my Tongue out at him and he slapped me in the arm. "Oww" I said rubbing my arm pretending to be Hurt. "What did you want anyway?" he asked. "I don't think it's a phase Niall. I think I'm truly in Love with Monica." "What do you mean?" "I just can't stop thinking about her and how perfect she is." I replied. "What are you going to do Mate?" He asked looking over at me. "I don't know. What can I do? You can't choose who you fall in love with." I looked at him. "I mean I can't ever see us together but I still think about her nearly 24/7. I just love everything about her and I can’t stand to see her with Haz. I know he is a friend and I should be happy for him but all I want is for Monica to love me”  “Well I think you need to tell her how you feel” I looked at Niall as if he had just told me to kill everyone in this hotel. “Are you kidding me?!?!?! I can’t tell her that. She will tell Harry and Then both of them will know and that’s not good! Harry will most likely end up hating me and Monica too! And she will never call me Joshy again!” “Joshy?” “She called me it before.”  “Ahh Ok….” “What Do I do Niall?” I asked  “I don’t know Mate. I don’t know.”  

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