kai's response

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it won't let me send it in the rp i'm suing istg

[ "so you chose to believe a widely known blackmailing pathological liar because he wanted to get you and liam in the sheets and only now he sees how toxic jack truly is. mr. "imadickbecauseidonthaveone" over here only relies on blackmail because he has no redeeming qualities besides the fact he's confident. that's it." kai ranted, turning to jack. "your hœ self nearly left ellis negging you to weight and i hate to break my wrist jumping through the wall to get you to turn around. i have been loyal to you and this is what i deserve? slut-shamed, outed as a former prostitute and left by my only family? don't even get me started, maybe if you could use the two fùcking eyes you use to eye fùck people all the time with you could see there's other ways to have friends than intimidating them. why ask out a PUBLIC POLYAMOROUS PERSON if you're a possessive freak who can't tell emotion from another emotion. i'm surprised ellis returned the feelings for such a yandere inhumane piece of shit. and yOU , don't even get me started!" kai shouted, turning to liam. "you're an egotistical spoiled brat who lets love blindly guide him into not only punching me in the neck, but calling me a slut. wow, real mature. you act like you're so high and mighty when in reality you're the most basic bįtch i've encountered. you're like the personality of kim kardashian's body. full of plastic. you decide to not even press on the issues, but instead you decide pushing me to the floor is a great idea. you're not even that cool. you have the most common skin, eye, hair, personality, blood type and name in the united states. you gouge your own eyes out and expect cupid to lead you towards your home, but he doesn't. if you could get your head out of your ironing board áss for five seconds, the world would already be more of a pleasant place to live in. i honestly can't believe how you turned on me so fast. you're such a backstabber, i swear to god. so i don't care what you do, go make out with ellis or something, i don't give any flying fùcks. just wanted to say it's not nice to know you. goodbye, get the fûck out of my siht before i roundhouse kick you both (jack and liam) into limbo." kai shouted, releasing all their pent up anger onto the world. ]

also, kai only told liam and jack to get out if their sight




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