A Warm Winter Solstice

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Aladdin didn’t like the cold.

He didn’t hate it per se…the snow is beautiful and winter was always a time for togetherness and fun traditions.  But he didn’t like it. The first ten years of his life were spent in a room of cold marble floors. Ugo kept the sacred palace livable, but didn’t know how to comfort him or provide him with the warmth he needed.

So on winter solstice this year, Aladdin retreated to a warmer place.  The Samon Isle. He excused himself from the festivities with his friends in Rakushou and used Uncle Kouen as a scapegoat to escape the cold.

And the strange sense of loneliness that had recently been plaguing him.

Try as he might though, he couldn’t mask it.  Uncle Kouen was always too perceptive.

“What’s bothering you, Aladdin?  Shouldn’t you be with your friends?  It’s a holiday.”

He plastered on a smile.  “Don’t worry, Uncle. Alibaba and Morg didn’t want me to forget about your yearly check-up.”

Aladdin took the prosthetics out of the magic circle he had been charging with magoi and began helping Kouen put them back on.  Hakuei came in with a tray of tea and dumplings.

“It’s always nice to see you, Aladdin,” she said, “thank you for taking the time to come visit.”

“Of course! I was actually thinking about staying here for a few days, if you don’t mind.  Alibaba finally gave us all some vacation time.”

“Whatever you’re avoiding, you need to confront it head on instead of lollygagging around.” Kouen snipped.

Aladdin ruffled his hair.  “Eheheh…what do you mean, Uncle Kouen? Really, I’m just fine!”


Hakuei chuckled.  “What Kouen means is you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, but you don’t have to go out of your way to keep us company.”

Aladdin smiled.  “Oh, don’t worry.  This is just a stopover.  I’m spending my holiday break traveling to see all my other friends too!  Next I’m gonna go visit Yam in Magnostadt, and then I’ll be going to Sindria, Parthevia and Reim.  Maybe even to Heliohapt to say hi to mister Sharrkan.”

Kouen looked incredulous.  “Why don’t you just call them on the phone?  It’s just as effective as seeing them in person.  More convenient too.”

Aladdin pouted.  “’Cause that’s just not as fun.  Besides, when I visit mister Sharrkan, he likes to give me alcohol and let me hang out with all the pretty ladies!”

Kouen buried his forehead in his palm.  Hakuei giggled.

“Well, I guess it’s also convenient when you’re a powerful magician who can just go wherever you like in the blink of an eye.  But I can tell you’re avoiding something. You’ve got that stupid look on your face that says you’re trying to hide something. Man up and deal with your problems and don’t run from them.  Got it?”

“Eheheh…yes Uncle Kouen.” 

Aladdin rapidly changed the subject. “Can you move your limbs okay? Any adjustments needed?”


After fixing Kouen’s prosthetics and enjoying some tea and dumplings, Aladdin wandered down to the beach and sat at the end of a rickety little pier to enjoy the sunset.

Or rather, he tried to enjoy it, but the beautiful rosy colors in the clouds always reminded him of that person he couldn’t seem to muster the courage to speak to.  That person he couldn’t stop himself from watching and thinking about and she never had any idea because her attention always belonged to someone else. Besides, she had far too many responsibilities to manage…he couldn’t possibly waste her time with his little infatuation.

A Warm Winter SolsticeWhere stories live. Discover now