New Years Kiss

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As the sun began to set over the horizon, it cast a golden light into Blue Sky. Sun flipped the sign over, signaling that they were now closed, but didn't lock the door as people would be coming and going as they were getting ready for a private New Years party. It had been a special request, what he couldn't pass up because he was being paid for the time (as much as he wanted to be able to say it was just a favor, he couldn't really afford to do so, but he was also more than happy to help out a long-time friend with their very important day).

It had been quite the year and, as Sun thought back on it, he smiled to himself and turned to look at Mork who was washing up the last bit of glasses behind the counter. Three years ago, if someone had told him that he'd be here, standing in his coffee shop with his brother's best friend whom Sun had never really used to like as his boyfriend--well, Sun wasn't exactly sure what he'd do but he was pretty sure it would involve laughter. He was also pretty sure Mork would say the same.

Sun walked up to the counter and pressed his hands down onto it, leaning forward as he watched his boyfriend clean up, earphones tucked deep into his ears as he nodded his head to whatever music he was listening to. For the time being, Sun was more than just happy to watch him, enjoying the view, his eyes scraping over, but--almost as if feeling the gaze on his back--Mork turned, an eyebrow perking upwards as he removed one of the earphones.

"Are you going to help or are you just going to stand there being my own personal stalker?" There was a slight hint of a smile on his lips though his voice showed no signs of humor. Sun was used to this, used to him, and it was now one of the many things he had come to enjoy about Mork. Mork reminded Sun a lot of his old self, except a little bit more good-natured over all.

"Can you stalk your own boyfriend?" Sun asked in reply with his own grin, but made his way around the counter to go join the other.

Mork turned his head away and slid one of the glasses into its proper home. "You can stalk an ex." He stated and Sun made a joking grasp at his own heart before sliding his arm around the other man and tugged him closer. "Hey, P'Sun--" Mork protested, but his body gave his true intentions away when he didn't try to move away and instead stepped a tiny bit closer, almost leaning into him. "They're going to be here soon to help get ready."

"It's only six. It'll be at least another hour." Sun pointed out. "Plenty of time."

"For what?" Mork asked, his eyes narrowing and Sun just grinned, leaned in, and pressed his lips to Mork's.

Mork allowed it for a moment, his own lips puckering just enough to kiss Sun back, his hand gripping tightly over his shoulder and then the younger man pulled away, giving him a stern look. "You got your kiss, now work. Aren't you the owner of this place? Shouldn't you be telling me to work?"

Sun pouted his lips, a little reminiscent of a child begging for something as he clung to Mork's wrist, not letting him walk away. He didn't used to be like this, but something in Mork brought it out in him and it was kind of fun playing this cat and mouse game. Mork put up a good fight and Sun wouldn't always win when the other's stubbornness held out. But, usually, he did win. Mork would never admit that to anyone however.

"I want a break." His eyes sparkled as he tugged Mork back to him, the other giving him an exasperated look before peering around themselves. With a thoughtful purse of his lips, Mork raised his eyebrows at him and then proceeded to raise his arms, placing them lightly around Sun's neck and resting them carefully.

He could feel his heart skip as he glanced over the face of his boyfriend. His fair skin and dark brown hair, eyes lined with dark lashes so long that they slid against Mork's cheek when he blinked. Mork truly was the most gorgeous being that Sun had ever laid his eyes on and there were days that he still couldn't believe that he was his.

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