Out Alone

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Nico's POV
I have better control of my powers, but I'm afraid to go back. What will they think of me? I wander the streets of Gotham having Shadow travelled without thinking much of it. I would willingly go anywhere away from that pathetic camp. Who... Needs family anyway? I cry silently mourning Bianca.
A loud explosion shook the earth. A building was on fire. The building Infront of me. I stare uncertain as two men with masks on come out. I hide in the shadows, But it doesn't work as the two men grab me and punch me. I hung there helpless confused of what to do.
"Heh, not much of a speaker are you?" A harsh voice says. He lands a punch in my stomach as I double over. Then my training comes to me. I do a back flip and come out the grasp of the men. I use the trash cans and go onto the roof. Away from them. A thought just occured to me, I haven't been attacked by any monsters whatsoever, since coming into Gotham. I sit at the edge of the building, looking down at the chaos. I'm probably gonna get killed before a monster gets to me. Bianca I miss you I think to myself trying not to cry. Soon I lay to sleep.

Batman's POV
I stare at the kid on the roof, wondering what he's doing out alone, in the dark, in a city like this. I saw what he did with those men. How he dealt with them. But the wierd thing was that he appeared out a shadow. He was never there before. I leap from building to building hoping the kid stays there, trying to find Nightwing. He was on patrol with me. I bring him to the roof, showing him the small fragile body, peacefully sleeping. Or so it seems. He mutters some words as I close in on him. Tears stroll down his eyes as he mumbled one word. And only one word. Bianca. Who is she? A sister? I think to my self. I wake him up before he can roll of the building. He jolts awake staring at us confused.
"Who are you?" He asked confuse. His cuteness warmed my - FOCUS! No need to trail off.
"We're meant to ask questions." I say as he flinched which I soon regretted.
"Who are you and where are your parents?"
"Erm, I don't need to tell you." The kid says hesitantly.
"Nightwing, tell Bruce Wayne that he'll be adopting another child."
I direct at yh you know who.
"Come with me kid."
"I don't even know you." He points out terrified.
"Night wing actually you stay here you know a kid to kid and I'll go tell Bruce."
I hop off into the night, reaching home and becoming Bruce Wayne. That's right I'm Batman.

Nightwing's POV
I was just patrolling checking for danger the whole super hero thing. When Bats came up to me claiming he would be adopting another child I was somewhat excited. And also nervous. Who is he? How would he be? Why is he alone anyway? How old is he? Questions flooded my brain and what I saw wasn't what I expected. The small gentle kid was trembling mumbling one word. Bianca. When Bats woke him he was confused. His adorably small eyebrows furrowed in.
"Who are you?" He asked innocently. Bats said a harsh thing which made look worried. I sigh. Bruce has a wierd way with kids, but he cares. I think to myself. I think of when my parents were murdered. Someone put some sort of thing on the ropes. They snapped and both of them fell. I reached as far as I could but they were long gone. Bruce helped me with that. Maybe he can help this little kid. "I'll go tell Bruce and you take him there." He said a second time. I held the little boys hand and I could tell he was uncomfortable.
"So what's your name?" I ask
"What are you doing here alone?"
"I don't know. I do this all the time."
"Don't worry your safe with me" I reassuringly squeeze his hand and give him a smile. Out side the manor.
"Hey Bruce here's the kid." I say running into the dark. Looks like Damian isn't the youngest anymore. I chuckle to my self. I change out my costume and wait in the living room for the cuteness to show up. 

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