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16-year-old chan POV :

Technology how it's so benefiting.  With just a click of a button, you can do anything. In my case that's anything. You see when you live with a family that's totally forgotten you. You learn to adapt to being alone. You see my parents were always working and my step-brother always was manipulative towards everyone else. He would manipulate them into thinking I don't exist which even my mother believed him. I didn't mind though as I like being alone. And it so happens that being forgotten leads to being alone a lot.

Right now I was currently trying to hack into my school's security. Typing away the codes as quickly as I can but efficient. The codes flew across the screen as I typed. 

That was until my annoying step-brother. He burst through the door complaining full blast being the double drama queen he is.  Trust me I swear he could be in a drama as of how good he is at acting.

"Christopher you have time to talk?!" he sat by me as I ignored him typing on my computer.  "hey what you typing?" he asked blocking half the computer as I finished typing the last code. "that's none of your business.  So what do you want?" he glared at me. "your mean... Anyway! Can you believe mom and dad?! They won't give me any more money because they said their account isn't working!!"

He huffed jumping on his bed since we shared a room. I was going to smile but quickly hid it. I couldn't have him finding out that I was the reason the account was drained of money. It's not like I needed it I was just bored.

"why don't you just get I a job. "I said unfazed as I put my computer in my bag along with my headphones, a pillow and blanket.  "because that's too much work.!" sighing I left the room even with his protest.

Yelling was heard loud downstairs along with glass being broken. Heading down the stairs my headphones on as I walk past my arguing parents. This was an everyday thing I guess you could say. 

I walked outside walking to this cafe that was close to my school. I knew the cafe owner and was planning on staying there for the night to avoid NY parents.  Opening the door of the small aesthetic cafe with a bell. I walk in to be greeted by sunmi the cafe owner.  She had long black hair and amber contacts.

"hey, Chan you staying here again?"I nod.  She was the only one who called me Chan. To be honest she was like an older sister to me.  "okay go ahead and sit down want anything?"I shake my head no as I set up my area to sleep. 

I sat in class my computer close to me as I couldn't bear if I lost it or anything happened to it as it was my life. I was minding my own business until I heard a familiar voice coming my way.  I look up to see minho.  " oh my god what are doing you loser?"I sighed knowing that if I was to say anything I'd be punished. "staying quiet, eh?" he smirked while moving as his friends poured water and through eggs on me.  I sighed in defeat. Anger building in me. I quickly pushed it to the side as I hate violence and didn't want to provoke anything.  The only real reason I was still in high school was because of sunmi. She had a lot of faith in me that I could be somebody today. Someone better than her.

You see sunmi has cancer stage 4 so it's likely she'll die sometime soon the reason I took my parent's money was to give to her so she could get the right medical care she needed.

After school, I walked back to the cafe to find a closed sign on the door. To be honest she was somebody I needed to see after my day. I looked at the door with confusion as she barely closed the shop. I opened the door with the spare key she had under the doormat.  Walking in I placed my bags down as I went to the counter to see if she left me a note. Which she didn't.  Taking out my computer.  I searched her name and hacked into her phone.  Along with the security cameras.

After checking her phone records I found out she called the er. I quickly check the cameras to find out a guy had robbed the cafe. She refused to give him her purse which caused him to shoot her making her hit her head as she fell.  Shocked and worried I checked all the nearest hospitals to find out she was admitted to mins hospital. She was in a critical coma.

I quickly put the computer away as I rushed to the hospital. This couldn't be happening right?.  I couldn't care less about anything else as long as she was okay.  She was the only person I had. Once I got to the hospital and saw her I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault she was in a coma. If I had put better security on her cafe behind her back none of this would have happened.

I sat with sunmi as I found out that the only way she could survive was only of she got an expensive surgery. Which I didn't have the money to pay. If only I was someone with money. 

The next day I went back to school feeling so down. Honestly, I didn't want to go but I knew I needed money and a job. Plus I couldn't let sunmi down.

I pulled out my computer as I started searching for jobs that would fit with my schedule. I zoned out as my headphones were on. That was until I saw someone grab my computer.  I looked up quickly to see minho holding my computer.  "please minho I need that..!"I begged as he just scuffed.

He raised his left eyebrow "really then beg" as much as I knew I shouldn't do that my computer was my everything and it was the only way I could find go jobs. I got out of my chair as I got on my knees. He just laughed "pathetic.. ". With that, he kicked me in the stomach as he smashed my computer against my pleas. He then left as I sat there a mess felling done.  "Why did life hate me? I never did anything to get people to hate me! But here I was always getting trashed on! I acted like I didn't care but in reality, I care a lot... " I cry out as I was alone in the class.

Later that night I went back home. Opening the door with a silent "I'm home".  I went upstairs as I changed my outfit as I was a mess. I changed into a black hoodie and black pants with my red headphones.  I grab my bag as I head to school.

Once at school I snuck into the library/ computer lab.  Turning on one computer I quickly start my plan.  I wanted him to feel all the pain I've felt. As I put in the codes. I finally got into his phone which was named "minhos phone".  I was planning on doing something to him that was painful but didn't kill him as I wanted him to feel the pain for the rest of his life.  I hacked into the security of his house. Which was pretty easy. There he was in his pj's on his phone. While Hyun-jin and some guy who looked like a puppy sat next to him. He was on his phone as I typed in a code.  I was planning on making his phone explode and ruin his eyesight.  I waited for the right moment.  He put the phone by his face as I made an ad appear on the screen. Just then I pressed enter as the phone explodes.  I watched as he fell off the couch holding his eyes blood going through his fingers. Hyunjin and the other guy didn't know what to do. Hyunjin quickly called the ER.

I watching in satisfaction. Once I saw the lights of the ambulance I exited out of the pages. I was about to get up and leave when I heard chatting in the hall.

"Are you sure he's here unnie?" a younger girl asked.  "yes.  Now be quiet my head is starting to hurt because of all your questions today.. " an older lady stated as the air filled with the smell of strawberries. "see I told you. You should keep your annoying mouth shut. "a guy's voice was heard.  "yah! Shut before I challenge you at home.!" they both laughed while the older lady sighed.
"both of you be quiet before I punished you both" they bother quickly responded with a "yes "

The door opened as a girl skipped in.  She had red hair along with punk style clothes. She looked to be a year older than me. Next to enter was a calm boy with red hair and a studded leather jacket. He looked to be two years older than me. Lastly was a woman who smelt strongly of strawberries. She wore a pink shirt and a black fitted skirt. Her makeup was bold with red lipstick. She looked to be the oldest at maybe 22.

"hey there Christopher!"The girl with red hair said making me jump.  "Chae-young back up. "The older lady said as the guy came over to her grabbing her hand making her sit down.  "sorry about her.  Look I'm going to get to the point.  I'm starting a hitman group/family and I want you to be our hacker. We'll give you all the money you need and equipment so what do you say?"

I looked down " on one condition. "
She smiled "and what's that?" I fiddled with my fingers.  "I want you to make sure my friend sunmi survives. "I look at her nervous she'd say no.  "okay but I'll have to let you know you can't see her after you make this deal. " I nod "as long as she can live that's all that matters to me" "okay then it's a deal?"I nod "yes"

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