A Fiery Winter Game

Start from the beginning

He had not needed to worry because he found her just like when he left, except she had kicked off her heels, tucked her stocking-clad legs under her in the armchair and grabbed one of the plaids to cover them. As much as he regretted not being able to see those very well-shaped poles anymore, he quite enjoyed seeing her looking comfortable too. She reminded him of a tiny fairy in that armchair.

She watched him, smiling silently as he put the bottle and glasses down on the table top and poured them each a glass. He was glad he achieved it without spilling any of the liquid, because he felt strangely butter-fingered. When he handed her the glass, their fingertips touched, and a mild electric current seemed to emanate from her and transfer to him, creating a buzzing feeling.

They clinked their glasses together and he watched her over the brim when he took a first sip. In his haste he had picked an exclusive Amarone and the pleasant, rich tastes of black cherry, brown sugar and chocolate hit his palate.

"Good choice", she smiled and swirled her wine around in the glass.

"We didn't get properly introduced. What's your name?"




He had heard her perfectly fine the first time. He simply wanted to try her name on his tongue and just like the Amarone it was a pleasant sensation.

"I'm Sidney."

"Like Tom's younger brother?"

"Exactly like Tom's younger brother."

"Ah. The middle brother who's here, there and everywhere."


"That's what Tom says about you."

"I suppose he would think that as he prefers never to leave Sanditon", he said dryly, annoyed that his brother had shared any type of information about him with Charlotte and wondering what more she knew of him. How did Tom know her anyway?

"Is it not true then?" she asked.

He shrugged his shoulders and switched topic.

"So, where are you from Charlotte?"

"Willingden." She saw his blank expression. "It's a small country village. I'm not surprised if you haven't heard of it."

"And how did you end up here?"

She took a gulp of her wine and it almost seemed like she was stalling her answer.

"You know what? You ask an awful lot of questions for someone who seems unwilling to share information about himself."

"Don't you find me as easy to read as an open book?" He raised a sardonic eyebrow.

"I have a feeling barely anyone can presume to know your mind, but I have an idea."

"Please share with me."

She leaned forward over the table, looking eagerly playful.

"How about we play 'Truth or dare'? We can ask anything and the other has to answer truthfully. I'll answer your questions if you answer mine. And then there's 'dare' of course, if you prefer."

He was not that keen on answering questions about himself, but the curiosity to find out more about her got the better of him. And like she said, he could always choose dare if the questions started to get difficult.

"I know the game even if I haven't played it in ages. Okay."

"I think we need some more wine then."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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