Dont shoot the messenger

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We had been hunting for three days. Tommen was getting better at archery everyday, with a little help from me. He wasn't embarrassed when I corrected his stance or bow angle. Margery of course hated my involvement. My comment a few days back about the crown had clearly offended her. She treated me with respect, she always had done, but I could sense something different about her. The sweet if not too sweet Margery was gone. She knew about us. She had to.

It was a cold morning. I lay awake in my tent, clasping my blanket tightly around my body. The trees were blowing harshly in the Northern wind and branches clawed at the roof of my tent. The faint neigh of a horse could be heard in the distance. I focused on the sound of the singing horse. Anything was better than the howl of the storm.

I could feel myself drifting of to sleep when the horse screamed. I could then hear it's iron shoes cantering through the woods like its rider was in a hurry and pushing it to move faster.

I pulled my grey shawl over my shoulders and stepped outside. The guards were standing in front of the tents, their hands ready on their swords.

"What's going on?" I asked the closest guard.

He swished is golden hair as he turned to look at me and smiled. Jamie Lannister.

"I'm sure there is nothing to worry about" he ensured "we are just doing our job and protecting you all, in case this approaching rider is trouble"

I heard the horse holt in front of the wall of guards and the clink of the stirrups as the rider dismounted. The guards stepped aside to reveal a man wearing the Baratheon sigil on his breast pocket.

"An urgent message, for the King!" he proclaimed.

Tommen immediately matched out of his tent.

"Speak" he ordered.

The messenger bowed deeply.

"Your Grace, The Hand of the King took over a trial in your absence"

My breath caught up in my lungs. I tried to exhale but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't. It was like I had forgotten how. The most simple task, to breath, something we all acquire without a lesson.

"Trial?!" Tommen exclaimed. His jaw was tensing up "What trial?!"

Margery appeared beside me and squeezed my hand. We all knew what the trial has decided. We just didn't know the verdict.

"The murder of the previous King...Your Grace" the messenger shifted cautiously as if to say don't shoot the messenger "One of the suspects has been found guilty"

"Who?!" Tommen demanded.

"Dante, Your Grace"

I fell to the floor. Not a sound came from my mouth. Margery tried to catch. Sir Jamie held out his hand to me but I refused it.

"And what is to become of him? What did my grandfather suggest?" Tommen asked, nervously.

"Your Grace...he was charged with high treason" The messenger seemed confused. He had every right. We all knew the punishment for high treason "He has been sentenced to death"

"No!" I screamed. Hearing those words was poison to my ears. My worst nightmare was coming true "No, no, no" I shook my head.

Margery knelt down beside me and held me in her arms "Sssh, it's going to be okay" she hushed.

"When!?" Tommen roared "When is his execution?"

"Four days"

Tommen turned away from the bearer of the news. His eyes instantly fell on me. I was crying silently. All the pain was built up inside me. I was on the brink of exploding with heartache but the shock was clogging up the wounds. I was unable to bleed out the full extent of the damage the messenger's words inflicted.

I could see it in his eyes. I'd only ever seen such venom in him when Joffrey was alive and hurting me.

"Everyone!" He yelled and paced up and down "Get everything packed up" he paused in front of me"We are returning to Kingslanding immediately"

Jamie put his hand on his nephew's shoulder "But, you realise it will take at least five days-"

"Not if you two ride with me" Tommen looked at Jamie then back at me with urgency "If we leave now and ride on through the night we can make it back in time. We have to make it back on time"

Jamie smiled and said "Yes, Your Grace" before running off to prepare out horses.

"Forgive me, sweet lady" Tommen offered both Margery and I a hand up "but we must part ways. I cannot expect a lady such as yourself to ride through the night without rest"

"Go, please, stop them" Margery urged, with sincerity "stop them. They have the wrong man, I know it"

I clasped her hand "Thank you, I uh- he really didn't kill Joffrey"

"Silence" she shook her head and squeezed my hand back "I know. I know Dante's heart. Now go!"

"My Lady" Tommen quickly kissed her hand before grabbing mine and pulling me towards Jamie and our prepared steeds.

We mounted our horses. I kicked the horse hard in the side and shook my reigns. The horse immediately started to trot. I nudged the horse again, with my heel and it started to canter.

"I'm coming, Dante" I whispered to myself through gritted teeth.

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