003. new beginnings

Start from the beginning

"So, the letter said to meet Mr. Harrington and Mr. Dell somewhere near the front..." Trystan trailed off as he moved to the side to allow a cluster of cars to pass by them. Raleigh stayed close to him to avoid being accidentally hit and to make sure Trystan was also on his toes about the traffic. Raleigh glanced around some as they approached the front doors, looking for his peers and his two teachers, but Trystan ultimately found them first. "Ah, there they are!"

"Raleigh!" Mr. Harrington's happy and relieved tone met his ears and Raleigh turned to the sound, seeing the man standing beside Mr. Dell—the botany teacher at their school—who was busy educating the teenagers in front of him about something. Raleigh and Trystan approached Mr. Harrington, who was dressed in a vest with many pockets and shorts. He looked the most like a tourist out of everyone there. "I'm so happy you found us! It's just gotten busier since the rest arrived."

Peter Parker was standing towards the back with Ned Leeds at his side. Betty Brant was talking to Michelle Jones with Zohra lingering near them. Flash was on his phone, either live streaming again to his social media followers or face timing someone. Jaron Miller was standing beside Zach Cooper, who seemed to be one of the few that was semi-listening to whatever Mr. Dell was sputtering about.

Jaron had his head thrown back, obviously annoyed with the wait, but as soon as he heard Raleigh's name get called, his attention snapped to him and a grin replaced his former frown. Behind him, Peter glanced at the two of them, before smiling at Raleigh, who gave a feeble attempt to reciprocate it. He turned back to Trystan and the adult handed him a few extra sheets of important papers, which Raleigh just shoved into his passport and then into his luggage case as Trystan also handed that off.

"If you need anything—"

Raleigh nodded, already knowing what he was going to say since he had been repeating the speech over the last week. "I know. I know. I'll call you if anything happens."

Trystan smiled sadly and tapped his fingers on the side of his leg. "Try to enjoy yourself—and I mean, actually try. I know I've been worried about this vacation, but I also know you need it."

Raleigh swung his luggage by his side and again nodded. He did need this vacation. "Yeah, I know." He glanced behind him where his friends were and jutted his elbow in their direction. "I'm just gonna... I'll text you when we land."

"Have a good time!"

Raleigh didn't reply to that, instead, he hurried over to join his classmates, while Trystan pulled Mr. Harrington to the side. Mr. Dell welcomed him, handing him his boarding ticket, before continuing on about the importance of sticking together before and after the flight. He didn't personally want to hear what he already knew, so he started to move to his two best friends when he was suddenly stopped by Jaron pulling a nauseated face in his direction. Raleigh raised his eyebrows before he realized he wasn't sending the expression at him, but to whoever was behind him.

Brad Davis, carrying a large bag around his shoulder, jogged over to them with his smile that never seemed disappear. Brad was another one of the many students at MSST who had survived Thanos' Snap. Raleigh didn't personally know much about the guy, except that he used to get nosebleed on the daily as a kid. Now he has abs and all the girls in their year's attention. He had a front that said he was a nice guy, but Raleigh knew that could mean anything. Still, with that, he didn't have much of an opinion on Brad, while Jaron held a strong dislike for the athlete. He just assumed it was due to their shared interest in MJ.

"Alright, now that everyone's here, let's get a move on!" Mr. Harrington spoke loudly, cutting Mr. Dell off.

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