Step 017: Frequent Strip Clubs

Start from the beginning

By the time they got there, she was lounging on the side of the podium, talking to a few members of her audience, "What do you want, kid?" He huffed as Tommy approached her.

"Before you call security, lemme just say..." Tommy paused and grabbed her hand, "I really love you..."

She yanked her hand away, "God, you're fucking weird."

Vince was largely cowering behind Nikki. He peered around his side and the exotic dancer noticed him.

"What's this?" She slipped off the podium, "Fresh meat?"

"He's a virgin." Tommy pointed.

"Ooh, interesting..." She touched Vince's arm, then pulled him away from Nikki, nearly stabbing him with her long black fake nails, "You want me to...take it?"

"Uh..." Vince leaned back, reaching out for Nikki's hand.

"Hey, how come you never asked to take my virginity?" Tommy asked.

"Fuck off, kid." She paused, then turned back to Vince. Dark Star licked her lips, and took the blonde by his jacket, "So, do you wanna go to the back room with me?"

"Can I go?" Tommy raised his hand.

She ignored him, "It's a simple yes or a yes please."

"N-Nikki..." Vince tried to grab Nikki's hand, "H-help..."

"You don't need him, this is about me and you, my dear sweet whatever your name is."

She slowly slid her hand down his side and leaned in to attempt to seduce him, but Vince shoved her away. She staggered back.

"I can't handle this anymore!" He shouted, "I'm gay!"

"What?" Nikki said in unison with the stripper.

"I don't wanna have sex with you!" He blurted, "BECAUSE I'M GAY. I'M VERY FUCKING GAY. AND I'M SORRY FOR SHOUTING BUT I AM SICK OF HIDING IT."

"Holy shit, Vince, calm down!" She gesticulated to silence him.

"I never told you my name." He thought for a second, leaning forward a bit (while keeping as safe distance away) to examine her features that weren't hidden under her masquerade mask. Dark Star swallowed hard, "Are you someone I went to high school with?"

"Damn Vince, I didn't realize you were so dense." She laughed, putting her hands on her hips, "My legs don't look familiar to you?"


"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tommy shrieked in a voice that nearly made Nikki's ears bleed, "NUH-UH. PROVE IT!"

The dancer slipped off the mask for a split second.

The three of them collectively screamed.

Then Mick forcefully dragged all of them to the back room.

He threw Nikki, Tommy, and Vince into the room. All of them were all still relatively catatonic.

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