Chapter 1

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The smell of sweat and the sounds of grunts filled the football field as shoulders ram into each other with every attempt of tackling or pinning down. It was quite interesting how such a sport could be favored by most but it never seemed to tingle my interests. Then why are you here, Eliot? Well, let's just say the oh-so handsome quarterback standing in the middle of the field was more than enough to tingle my interests.

I watched the school's jock, also well know as Colby Brock, aka the handsome quarterback, strolled over to the coach when called over. With every motion Colby's head did, his fluffy brown hair would bounce, occasionally falling onto his forehead due to sweat.

After the coach was done chattering, he placed a pat on the jocks back and gestured him off. I, most likely, looked like a starker watching him stroll around but at this point I didn't care. It was one of the reasons I even stayed after school when I didn't need to.

With a calm jog, Colby made his way back to the rest of the team who were now huddled in the center and chattering/arguing about whatever. On the way though, my eyes met those of Colby's and was sent a wink that made my heart drop. With a sly smile he turned back to the rest, leaving me in a stuttering mess; though I wasn't speaking.

My cheeks were most likely flushed by now and I knew I had to leave before some one caught me. It was close to leaving time anyways. Swiftly, I grabbed my bag from the ground and sprinted down the bleachers, hoping to keep my balance and keep my slight composed self. Though I never said I wasn't squealing inside.

My feet carried me to the parking-lot of the school where I cursed myself for being late for the bus. I groaned and facepalmed lightly before sighing. Guess I have to walk this time. Exercising a little shouldn't hurt too much.

I reached home with a pair of burning lungs and a sweaty figure as I tumbled through the door with a sigh of relief. My bag instantaneously slipped my fingers and dropped on the ground, lifting a huge weight of my shoulders and arms. I gasped lightly and shut the door before strolling into the kitchen, looking for my lunch, or dinner in this case.

'Left-overs in the fridge. Won't be home until tonight, love you -mom' read the little sticky note stuck on the fridge. I sighed and opened it up, grabbing the left overs that were thankfully not eaten by Roman. I hummed in delight and heated my food before hungrily digging in.

"Why so sweaty? Run a marathon?" Roman, my older and jerk of a brother, teased once he walked into the kitchen and to the fridge but not after smacking my head and stealing one of my fries. I scowled at him and rubbed my head with a glare.

No mater how much he ate, he was always so fit and holding that six pack that was so hard to get, in my case. Roman was one of the popular kids in our school but was also enemies with the one and only Colby Brock. The two have been best friends in middle school and drifted away around high school when the two competed for captain of the football team.

"Where do you keep heading out to anyways?" He asked as he pressed the glass cup to his lips, occasionally taking sips. "I don't 'head out' anywhere. I just stay after school." I shrugged but he didn't seem convinced. "What for?" He raised an eyebrow as he stared at me intensely. Like he was trying to read me.

"Homework." I lied, taking another bite of my food and really hoping he would buy my lie. If Roman knew I had stayed after school just to see Colby, he would have my head in his hands and would never stop bugging me or bossing me around.

Seeming convinced, to the eye, he took one last swing of his water before walking back into the living room. Quite a close call if you ask me.

So this was the first chapter! : ) please vote and comment what you think about it and I'll see you in the next chapter <3

The Football Jock /\ Colby Brock (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now