t h i r t y - t w o

Start from the beginning

Purple-hair laughed lightly, returning my handshake. "Avery. Uh, friend-thing of Luke's."

I continued smiling rather complacently at him, shaking his hand, before saying, "Lovely." And smashing my head off his and knocking him directly backwards off of his stool.

And so Luke did what Luke would do in this situation and he jumped to his feet and refused to meet my eyes while he yelled profanities at me and tried to rush over to help Avery.

"Ashton, what the fuck is wrong with you!" Luke demanded, slightly panicked, before rushing around to Avery's side and trying to help him up.

I gave Luke a little shove to get him away from Avery and now my smile, however sarcastic it was, was gone and replaced by the way I furrowed my eyebrows and bit my tongue in spite.

So I raised a fist in the time I had before Luke stumbled back onto his feet and rushed over to stop me, and allowed it to land directly on Avery's dumb, pierced nose.

And it wasn't that bad, yet; I hadn't finished building up yet.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Avery spat, trying to shove me off, to no avail.

"Oh, you don't even want to know." I said, before raising another fist and slamming it directly into his cheekbone, smiling slightly as the ring on my finger split his cheek open.

"Ashton, get the fuck off of him!" Luke spat, running towards me again and giving me a good kick to the side in attempt to injure me long enough to help Avery.

I caught him by the angle and twisted his leg around, before growling, "I don't want to hurt you, Luke. Don't make me hurt you." And sending him stumbling away with a proper shove.

And so I slammed yet another fist into Avery's face, erupting a small stream of blood from the inside of his mouth that he spat into my face.

"So you must be the infamous Ashton that Luke and that douchebag with the glasses were talking about a while back, huh?" He asked with a smug, sarcastic, crooked grin on his face.

I ignored his question and slammed the ring-hand into his cheek again, engendering a heightened tension in the room and a wince from Avery as my ring dug into the exposed flesh.

"It is you, isn't it? What? Jealous that you fucked it up and I got your leftovers, huh?" He spat, taking absolutely no advantage of the fact that I no longer had his arms pinned down with my knees.

And so it was that sentence right there, the comparison he made between Luke and leftovers as if he were nothing more than just that. He was so much more than what Avery had decided to think he was.

So I smashed my beer bottle off the table to my right and it wasn't until the combination of beer and broken glass splashed on the floor that Avery's expression fell and he realized what extent he had gone to.

And I grit my teeth with every ounce of sense and emotion drained from my being like a fucking sink drain, before raising the broken bottle right over Avery's face.

But it wasn't until I was about to slam a broken beer bottle right through Avery's goddamn face that Luke had decided to literally throw himself at my and take me clean off of Avery's body.

And the scene seemed to be a bit of a repeat of the time I nearly killed Vinny, because Luke was suddenly sitting on top of me with my hands pinned above my head and he was panting and crying and sweating and crying and crying and crying.

So he let his head fall slightly in what I could only assume was disappointment and God, just the thought of that hurt, hurt so bad I could barely even bear it, so I had to fight my absolute hardest not to start freaking out and hyperventilating right beneath him.

"Why do you always have to do this Ashton?" He snapped, though you could hear the tears in his voice and so it didn't even sound right, it just sounded petty and sad and it made me want to rip my own fucking heart out.

And so I didn't say anything; didn't respond. One part because I didn't know what to say, ninety-nine parts because I knew that nothing I could say could make up for the way I seem to make Luke feel all the time.

Like this.

I make him feel like this.

And I hated that.

"Why do you always have to fuck things up, huh? Why do you, why do you... Fuck, I don't even know. Why do you always have to drive everyone away?" He demanded with tears still pouring from his eyes and God, I couldn't hear that from him. Anyone but him.

"Don't say that to me." I said through grit teeth, using every ounce of strength I had in me not to cry in the corner of this bar in front of Avery who laid helplessly on the ground and everyone around us who were too drunk to comprehend the whole situation. "Not you."

"You can't keep doing this to me, Ashton. It's tearing me apart." He said, his voice cracking like a lightning strike.

"Broken things can't do anything right, except hurt people." I murmured, much like shattered glass.

The problem was that I wasn't much more than a glass with a hole in the bottom, and every time Luke tries to fill me with water, it all leaks out the bottom and no matter how much he tries to fill the glass, it will always leak out the bottom and it will never be able to contain what he wants it to contain.

"Ashton..." He croaked.

"I'm sorry, Luke. I'm sorry. And I don't think I've ever said that to you. But I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't be what you need me to be and I'm sorry I'm so fucked up, and I'm sorry I drive you and everyone else away and God, I'm sorry I always give you a reason to be disappointed in me, and I'm sorry that I hurt you so much but I want you to know that nothing hurts me more than knowing that I'm tearing you apart. Absolutely nothing. It drives me fucking mad. That is so not my intention. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that this is what it's had to come to for me to say that to you. I'm sorry. Just..." I said, and though I started strong my voice progressively fell weaker and quieter and God, it hurt just to speak at this point.

"Just don't give up on me. Please." I croaked.

And Luke just looked at me, looked at me like I were and astroid heading straight for him, looked at me like I was just a bomb that was ready to explode in his face and I didn't know what I was supposed to say or do or feel because there just isn't anything in the entirety of the universe that prepares you to feel something like this.

And then he just kind of collapsed on top of me and tried to breathe, and then only seconds later he planted a soft kiss on my jawbone and nuzzled his face in my neck in that way that made my heart beat thirty-seven thousand times faster.

"Okay." He whispered. "I won't."

And suddenly, my sky began lighting up with stars again.

I reached 40,000 reads today. Woah, you guys. I frickin peed myself. That's amazing.


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