Prima Facie

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// AN // 

Thank you for the 3K reads you guys :( Sorry I haven't updated in a long while, I wanted to enjoy my rare occurrence of a thing called vacation :)) I hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday season! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you, thank you for staying and reading despite the sloooooooooow updates. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to send me a message or leave a comment. I greatly appreciate all of you! ~ 


It was quite a long drive from the agent's home to their destination but Lisa and Roseanne did not seem to notice. They have been talking for a while now, topics ranging from food to more food and everything in between. Lisa was very much amused by the fact that Roseanne was quite chatty, she reckoned it would be somewhat awkward between the two of them since they have just spoken via phone, and man, was it not the most appealing conversation that Lisa was expecting to have with someone of Roseanne's caliber.  Lisa was glad to have marginally redeemed herself at this point. She had no plans of stopping. Failure isn't an option. 

" Hey, what made you decide to buy me a sikhye for a, as you call it, a peace offering?" Roseanne asked while looking out the car window. 

" To be honest, I just felt like it would be the appropriate thing to give? Instead of asking you out for coffee, which would be highly unlikely for you to agree, I decided to go for the simple drink, kinda shows genuine sincerity you know?"  Lisa paused for a bit, grinning. 

"Don't you like it? We can drop by a store and we can get you another drink or whatever it is that you want." Lisa continued with a shy smile. 

" No, no it's okay. I absolutely love this drink. Thank you, I appreciate the effort.. mkay, yeah I think I would've totally slammed the door on your face if you asked me out for coffee."  Roseanne returned the grin.

" Well, you totally slammed me with that beautiful smile of yours. I almost melted away when you stared at me for a few. Madamme, I was done for!" Lisa comically clutched her chest and playfully closed her eyes for a bit.

" Focus on the road or pullover. Your choice Casanova." Roseanne answered in a monotonous tone. 

She wanted to laugh but was swept over the fact that Lisa noticed that she, indeed, stared at her. For a brief moment, Roseanne wanted the earth to swallow her entire being. 

" Awwhh ~ sorry Rosie! See, you're leaving me with no choice here, I'm trying my absolute best to focus on driving but it's extremely difficult with you beside me. I want to give my full attention, I like talking to you, discussing you know. Hearing your thoughts on things. If we pullover, it wouldn't leave me with much of a choice as well, I'd try not to get so lost in our conversation, I'd probably forget that we have to meet a client of mine . So what's it gonna be Rosie?" Lisa mouthed the last words with a sly smile. 

" I'll drive, smarty pants or just drop me off. It isn't that complicated, you see?" Roseanne emphasized, with her arms crossed. 

" Mm-hm, fair enough." Lisa chuckled. 

She decided to drop the flirty remarks, for now.

It was dead silent for a while, all they can hear was the roar of the car speeding through the empty road and the soft jazz music from the radio. A gentle breeze kissed their cheeks, it made both of them smile for a bit.  There was an overcast in the skies, it made Lisa frown for a bit, wondering if the weather would not cooperate with her and ruin her quasi-dubious plan. Roseanne noticed Lisa's pout and her quick space out moment.

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