Chapter 12: A Snake in our Midst

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"Reyna, Reyna, Reyna. Were you eating human food? Disgusting. You are an abomination to demonkind."

Unbeknownst to him, she was gathering every ounce of power she had left and was storing it, trying to get enough to resist and leave this horrible place.

"And... you... must... be... stopped." Onith finished, all traces of politeness gone from his voice. He thrust the blade into Reyna's stomach, and that flash of power was what she needed to break her bonds and disappear. She thought of Mallory, how Mallory would hold her up, and appeared right in her arms. Kind of.

Instead of appearing so that she could lean on Mallory, Reyna came to a slight complication. This complication was called Dean. She found herself smushed suffocatingly between the two of them, who had been glaring maliciously at each other. Tension was so thick between them; Reyna was not sure even a heavy-duty knife built especially  for cutting tension could break it. But she tried anyway.

Since she could not see Sam, she assumed he had had the sense to stay out of it. If not... "Where's the body?" She asked, glancing down at Dean's livid face.

"No one died, Rey." Mallory glanced down at Reyna, who was struggling to keep herself up. "Oh my god!"

Reyna wobbled. "S'nothing. I'm fine." Her legs seemed to turn into jelly. This had never happened before. But before she had any time to think about it, they collapsed. Mallory's strong arms pulled up just under Reyna's, keeping her upright.

Well, to put it simply, they did not end up hitting the road that day.

~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~ 

In about a day and a half, things were starting to look up. They had managed to bind Reyna's wrist and soak up most of the holy water from the blade. Reyna had enough sense not to touch the handle, which had a devil's trap carved into it, until they had destroyed the carving. Now, Reyna was feeling much better, but their hopes had diminished spectacularly. Not only was Onith able to teleport others against their will, he had the resources and the ability to hurt demons. And that was never a good thing.

There was only one problem: how had Onith known exactly where Reyna was in the first place?

"I'm telling you, she's a damn spy." Dean muttered, pacing around the room they had checked back into. Soft snores wafted up from where Reyna was lying peacefully on the bed, asleep. "Nothing else makes complete logical sense."

Mallory reverted back into defensive-friend mode. "What about the reason called being a friend, huh?"

"Complete logical sense. That does not make complete logical sense. You've got to get rid of her. She's gonna ruin our plans."

"You don't know for sure!" Mallory retorted, slamming her hands down on the table. The book Sam had been reading jumped, and he hissed. Mallory and Dean paid no attention to him. "She says she's on Onith's most-wanted list, I believe her. She's never lied to me."

"And how would you know that for sure? For all we know, she's could be Onith's freaking right-hand man... woman... demon... thingy. Anyway, she might be a damn good actor, but I can always catch their lies. Always." Crossing his arms, Dean narrowed his eyes at Mallory from across the table. Mallory smirked and started laughing. "What?"

"Then I must be one hell of an actor to get past you. Really. Six years, I've known her, and I managed to convince you that we just met. Also, university. Writing? Minor. You know what my major is? Acting. And I'm a damn fantastic actor if I got past your defenses."

"Well, give the girl a medal. Do you want a trophy, too, so you can take it out whenever I'm wrong?" Dean clapped sarcastically.

On the bed, Reyna sighed quietly. No one heard her. No one knew she was awake. No one knew she could hear everything.

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