My Guardian Angel [chapter one]

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Spencer - the hot new bad boy at school. Every girl seems to want him, but the one he wants just can't find it in her to trust him. He wants more then anything just to gain her trust, even if it's his job. 

Courtney - She's pretty poor, and quiet shy, but it doesn't hide her breath-taking beauty. She has certain trust issues that no one seems to care enough to try getting past. All except for one.


Destrious walked down a long, light pathway to a big white door. When he pulled the door open, he was bombarded with a wall of light. His eyes adjusted and the light seemed to die down, so he took a step in.

"Hello, Destrious." A light skinned angel told him. Destrious was an angel, he'd been doing many bad things in heaven. He was convinced he was here, with this woman in this room, because he was being suspended to Earth.

"Let's just get this over with. How long am I suspended?" He asked. The lady heaved a sigh.


"WHAT!?" He shot up from his seat, and the room shook with his anger. He was a very strong angel, and his anger often got the best of him.

"You've been a disgrace to us, angel. We're supposed to be soft, gentle, loving, caring, watchful, responsible, you know? You're just too... hard. You don't follow any laws, and somehow get out of the consequences. I'm sorry, Destrious, but you can't be an angel anymore. You have one night to decide where your things are going and tomorrow, you'll be gone." She stated. He stared at her with wide eyes. 

"WHAT!? I CAN'T BE BANISHED TO EARTH FOREVER!" He yelled. She looked a little scared, but weakly shook her head 'no'.

"Yes you can. You're being turned into a human." She whispered. She was practically trembling with fear, while on the other side of the room, Detrious was trembling with anger.

"WHAT THE HE-" He started. 

"NO PROFANITIES DESTRIOUS! THAT'S QUITE A HUMAN THING TO DO, YOU'RE ADJUSTING ALREADY!!" She stood up with him with more confidence, though she resembled a dwarf next to him.

"WELL I'M SORRY, BUT IT'S KIND OF HARD TO BE A PERFECT LITTLE ANGEL WHEN I'M BEING TOLD I'M BEING TRANSFORMED  INTO A RATTY, SMELLY, ANNOYING, OBNOXIOUS, GULLIBLE LIFE FORM, TOMORROW!" He growled. He took a deep breath and tried relaxing, "Is there any other way? I'll never break another law, and oh if I do I'll take the consequence! I'll do sanitary work, anything!" He asked.

"Well there is one way, but I don't think you'd do it." She said quietly. 

"What is it? Tell me!" He urged. 

"You have to become a guardian angel." 

"...What?" He asked. He had no idea what a guardian angel did, let alone known they existed.

"It'll work like this: I'll give you a name, and set you down on Earth right next to the human. You become close, keep a special eye of them, yadda yadda. You just have to be a protector, from everything." She explained.

"How will I always be there though, right next to the person?" He asked.

"I'll grant you powers. You'll have the power to sense if the person's in trouble or pain, you'll have undying strength and lightning fast speed. You'll be part mortal, part angel." She answered. He frowned and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"Will I ever be allowed to come back up here again if I become one?" He asked. She nodded, happy that she got a question with a nice answer.

"Yes you can come up whenever you wish, you just can't stay up here for more then a day." She smiled. He nodded, trying to take it all in.

"There's no other way? Otherwise, I'll be destroyed?" He asked, defeated. She nodded. "Will I still be me? Who will I be protecting?" He asked. 

"You'll be known as Spencer Morgans. Your job will be simple, don't worry!" She replied. Spencer? What kind of name is that? Now, Destrious; that's a real name.

"WHO?" He asked again. She sighed.

"Her name is Courtney. Courtney Haffner."

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