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•written by makimuras


[Y/n] woke up with light shining down upon her. Light so bright that any normal persin would wince, but she didn't.

She stared at the light as if it was nothing at all.

She slowly sat up, light everywhere. She knew that she was dead, though she had no idea where she was. She knew hell was a place of fire and screaming, but this place had peace.

"You're finally awake," a soft, feminine  voice whispered, causing her to turn around in confusion.

In front of her stood a tall, slender woman with hair down to her hips. Her eyes were a light blue and she had perfect [h/c] hair.

"M-Mommy?" [Y/n] whimpered, slowly standing up. Her eyes began to water, wonders of whether or not it was real.
"I-Is that you?"

The woman smiled and took a step towards her daughter, slowly pushed a strand of her daughters [h/c] hair behind her ear with a smile.
"Daniel, you forgot to catch me up on how gorgeous our daughter is," the woman spoke, looking behind her.

The girl recognized the name and more tears streamed from her face watching as a man slowly came into her sights.

His hair was the same color as her mothers and he was only an inch or two shorter than the woman. He held a nice smile on his face.
"She takes after you," he spoke, watching as tears of happiness streamed from her face.

Her mother chuckled and looked back at her grown up child, wiping away her tears. "Heaven is no place for tears, my darling," she whispered softly, pressing her palms against her tears to wipe them away with a smile.
"Let us show you the beauty."

[Y/n] followed her mother, unsure of where they were going. They were in a what felt like a cloud on her toes and watched as her parents walked straight out of it, so she followed.

Brighter light hit her, yet it still didn't bother her.

She looked up at the sky. It was a light blue with clouds. The sky was the most beautiful thing she had seen in a while compared to her life before death. The soft wind hit her face. A nice breeze ever so pleasing.

The weather wasn't too hot nor too cold. It felt like one out of the many fall or spring days where she would sit outside letting the breeze hit her.

She looked ahead. A road made of gold that many figures walked on with large smiles. Homes made of nothing more than the finest diamonds.

Children ran around giggling and adults sat on the floors with smiles as they spoke ever so softly and peacefully.

"Do you like it?" Her mother asked, causing her daughter to look up with a smile.

"I do."

Her father moved next to her so that [Y/n] was in the middle of the two adults, both of them holding her hand.
"We have someone you should see," her father spoke and the three of then walked down the golden roads hand in hand.

It didn't take long for them to get to where they lead the daughter. They stopped at another large area of white and gestured for her to walk in.

She did so.

Her bare feet stepped into the spot of white, looking around in slight confusion. Who was she looking for?


She spun around seeing a boy with black hair. He was shorted with a squeaky voice.
She knew right away who he was. She didn't know how she knew, but deep down in her heart she knew it was the boy she loved.

For in heaven, you will recognize everyone you have ever met in your life.


The two ran into eachothers arms, sobbing of pure happiness. The happiness blinding the worries of being together that they would've had on earth.

The two exited the white, hand in hand, with nothing more than a smile.

Although, the happiness didn't end there.

Before her, her parents held a small child in their arms, hugging her tightly as the child giggled softly and once again [Y/n] knew exactly who it was.



The End.

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