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I take a deep breath and step inside Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital.

As I look around I see a woman with dark hair walk towards me with a limping man.

"Dr. Lisa Cuddy, Dean of Medicine", the woman says and shakes my hand. "Welcome to Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital."

I smile at her and look at the man next to her. He looks me up and down but doesn't say anything. I guess this is Dr. House.

Cuddy sighs and says: "This is Dr. Gregory House, your boss."
"Nice to meet you, Dr. House. I'm Dr. (y/n) (y/l/n)", I say and smile.
He nods and says: "Follow me."
I give Cuddy a smile to thank her and walk beside House.
"So you're from (the place you live in)?" He asks.
"Yeah", I say. "I moved here to study and didn't leave."
"I heard you don't really hire people just based on their application", I continue, "so why did you hire me?"
"I followed you", he says.
I look at him but give up when he doesn't say more. A bit creepy and I don't know what that meant, but okay. This job pays well.


House opens the door to his office and I follow him inside. There are three people already sitting at a table. They all get up.

"Team, this is Dr. (y/n) (y/l/n), your new coworker", House says.
The woman is the first one to introduce herself: "Hi, I'm Dr. Allison Cameron."
I shake her hand and look at the man standing next to her.
"Dr. Robert Chase", he says and shakes my hand as well.
The last member of the team takes a step closer to me, shakes my hand and tells me his name.
"Dr. Eric Foreman."

House has taken a seat at the table and as the others sit down too I find an empty chair next to Foreman. I guess they like to sit in the same spots and I actually like where I am because it's not next to House and I can see the hallway.

"Now that that's over with, let's get to the case", House says.
"A 43-year-old woman with-"
He is interrupted by the door opening and someone saying: "House, give me my money back."

I turn to look at the stranger and my eyes widen. On the doorway stands a man with brown hair and dark eyes. He's wearing a white shirt, a blue tie and a brown suit. He's kinda cute, to be honest.

He puts his hands on his hips and I look away.
"What money," House says.
"When I tried to pay for lunch my wallet was missing fifty bucks and I know you took it", the man says and points his finger at House.
I try not to think about how long his fingers look. Come on (y/n), you just met him.

"We had a bet!" House says and shrugs.
"We did not!" The man says.
House looks offended and says: "Wilson, this is (y/n)'s first day, you wouldn't want to leave an awful first impression, right?"
Wilson's mouth opens and he looks at me.
"Oh," he says and clears his throat. He has an expression on his face I can't read.
"Sorry", he says and walks over to me, "I'm Dr. James Wilson, head of oncology."
I take his hand and shake it. He looks me straight in the eye and I almost get too distracted to answer. Damn those eyes are pretty.
"(Y/n) (y/l/n)."
He smiles and looks at House.
"I'm not done with this", he says and looks back at me.
He apologises again and says: "It was nice to meet you, Dr. (y/l/n). If you need anything, you can come to my office."
I thank him and he turns around to leave.
"Okay, now that those lovebirds are done, we can get back to the dying woman," House says.
I blush and look at Wilson. He shakes his head and leaves. I think he looked a bit flustered too but maybe I'm just imagining things.

House starts talking about the patient and I try my best to pay attention, but I can't get Wilson's deep brown eyes out of my mind.

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